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  • Hi Ladydelaluna. ??

    No problem. ?? I’ll try looking around a bit and see if I can find anything to help. ??

    If you look through the functions.php file, is there anything that calls wp_title()? Possibly an add_action() with it in?

    If you search through your theme’s functions.php file (an any files linked to it via a require() or include() statement) and comment out any lines with wp_title() in them, that should, as I understand it, resolve this.

    This is the first time I’ve seen this issue, so I’d imagine it’s a customisation within the theme you’re using.


    Hi AndrewBanchich.

    A straightforward solution would be to replace the contents between the <title> tags with the following:

    <?php if ( is_single() ) { echo get_bloginfo('name') . ' | ' . wp_title(); } else { echo get_bloginfo('name') . ' | ' . get_bloginfo('description'); } ?>

    The above code will print the title as “BLOG NAME | POST TITLE” for single post pages and “BLOG NAME | BLOG DESCRIPTION” for all other pages. This IF statement can be expanded upon using other WordPress conditional tags.

    I hope this helps. ??

    Hi ColinABQ,

    As a quick solution to this, without having to modify code, you could run this Javascript in your theme:

    $(document).ready(function() {
       $('a').attr('target', '_blank');

    The above script, written in jQuery, will add or modify the “target” attribute of all ‘a’ tags to being ‘_blank’. This could affect the speed and performance of your website, although it is a non-destructive and solid solution to this issue. ??

    Hi ladydelaluna,

    I’ve got an idea for this.

    You could use a conditional (IF statement) to assist you with this. It could look something like this:

    if ( is_front_page () )
    else if ( in_array ( $category_id, $categories ) )

    In the above example, the $category_id variable is the id of the category currently being viewed and the $categories variable holds an array of all the categories the current post is listed under. The $category_id variable could be acquired at random from the array or passed through the page. There are various methods in the WordPress Codex on how to acquire the category id. The in_array() function checks whether a variable is listed in the array passed to it… in this case, $categories.

    Although this example is a tad rough and rather simple, I hope it helps. ??

    Hi mliam.

    Let me try. ??

    For your sidebar, try to separate each widget into separate “containers”. An example structure would be something like this:

    <div class="widget">
    <h3>This is the widget title</h3>

    This should aid you in adding the rounded corners (a DIV tag with a CSS class on for the top corners and one for the bottom corners would be a simple way to add the corners). An example could look like this:

    <div class="widget">
    <div class="widget_top"></div><!--/.widget_top-->
    <h3>This is the widget title</h3>
    <div class="widget_bottom"></div><!--/.widget_bottom-->

    Replacing the “[PLACE WIDGET CONTENT HERE]” with the particular content for the sidebar item (eg: <?php wp_meta(); ?> will add the content to the widget.

    I hope this helps, mliam. Please post further if I have misunderstood your query. ??

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Can I do this

    Hi sloth.

    It is possible, yes. Use the following page as a reference when converting your RVSiteBuilder code into a WordPress theme:


    Hi Mango123.

    WordPress would be a great choice for this. Let me run through each point as listed in your post.

    Content management of pages – This is built in natively into WordPress.
    Ability to upload online documents – Also built in natively into WordPress.
    Member signup with ability to write blogs – User registration is built into WordPress. You can also specify the default role a user is assigned when registered. By default, this is a “subscriber” role, who is unable to write posts. You could create a custom registration form (the WordPress Codex has a great reference for user registration functions) and then use the default registration form for the members only area.
    Display paid and unpaid opportunities abroad – This could be done using a page in your WordPress website or using custom fields to display specific fields within particular pages. The WordPress Codex has a great explanation of custom fields and how to integrate them into your theme.

    I hope this helps. Enjoy working with WordPress. ??

    Hi prateekmallapur,

    To add page navigation to your blog, add the following code after the <?php endwhile; ?> in the WordPress loop on your index.php page and any other pages that list more than 1 post:

    <div id="postnav_container">
    <div id="prev_entries" class="alignleft"><?php next_posts_link('Previous Entries') ?></div><!--/#prev_entries-->
    <div id="next_entries" class="alignright"><?php previous_posts_link('Next Entries') ?></div><!--/#next_entries-->
    <div class="clearfix"></div><!--/.clearfix-->

    The above code snippet adds a “Previous” link and a “Next” link, where necessary, and aligns them to the left and right respectively. The “clearfix” DIV has a CSS style of clear: both; which clears the floating DIVs above it.

    I hope this helps. ??

    Hi JudyLong,
    Wordpress has a basic password protection feature for posts and pages. It can be found on the post/page list screen under the “Quick Edit” menu as well as on the edit screen for the particular post/page.

    Regarding membership and restriction, you can achieve this using role management plugins. The following are all possible plugins to achieve this:

    1. User Access Manager.

    2. Role Scoper.

    3. Role Manager.

    4. Member Access.

    I hope this helps. ??

    Hi thelahera,

    To align your sidebars to the left and right, the following should work:

    1. Add the class “alignleft” to the first sidebar… without the quotes.
    2. Add the class “alignright” to the second sidebar… without the quotes.
    3. Create a DIV tag below the two sidebars and give it the class “cleared”… without the quotes.

    These CSS styles should already be declared in your theme and should float the first sidebar to the left and the second sidebar to the right.

    I hope this helps. ??

    Hi AndrewBanchich,

    In your theme’s functions.php file, you could take the code for the solution you found for the other website you mentioned in your post and wrap it in the following PHP Code:

    if (is_front_page()) {

    That way, if the user is viewing the front page of your website, the code to rewrite the excerpt will be applied.

    I haven’t tested this myself. Just a thought. Hope it helps. ??

    Hi Atkinson.

    To resolve the image floating issue, as nathanrice mentioned, you require styling of the native WordPress alignment CSS classes. These can be found at the link posted in nathanrice’s reply above.

    Pasting these CSS styles into your style.css file should resolve the issue you are having with image floating. ??

    Hi pbwordp.

    If you’re having an issue including the ‘flash.php’ file, try including it like this:

    <?php include(get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/flash.php'); ?>

    The above line of code will point directly to the flash.php file and include it. If this doesn’t work, please remove the ‘/’ before ‘flash.php’ and try again.

    Is the issue you are experiencing to do with the inclusion of the flash.php file?

    Hi B1gft,
    Regarding the images not displaying on the homepage, I’ve taken a look at your front page and believe I may have the reason why the images aren’t displaying.

    For each post that you have displayed on the homepage, you are displaying the post excerpt. When displaying the post excerpt, I believe that all XHTML tags are stripped from this. This would include images.

    Two possible solutions to this would be to install a custom excerpt plugin. This would give you more control over the excerpt. The alternative would be to replace the <?php the_excerpt(); ?> tag with <?php the_content('Continue Reading'); ?>. This will display all the text of the post leading up to a <!--more--> tag on the post (there’s a button for this on the WordPress rich text editor… you can also type it in “HTML” mode on the editor) and will create a “read more” link below this. This will allow for the inclusion of images in the front page area.

    I hope this helps. ??

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