Matt Pramschufer
Forum Replies Created
Hey @collizo4sky just in case anyone else might be looking for this solution. I looked through your code and was able to achieve this easily with the following code.
add_filter('ppress_core_login_redirect', function($url){ return esc_url( add_query_arg( 'cb', time(), $url ) ); });
Would there be any ramifications on this approach? I have tested and it works perfectly.
Oh rock on! Thank you so much!
Hey @maartenbelmans TagDiv hasn’t gotten back to me yet, but I finally figured it out! If you want to check out the video below, apparently if you do not include the WooCommerce Ratings widget on their template then it does not populate the global $product;
[video src="" /]
So long story short, no need to have a discussion about a filter on your plugin, your plugin is fantastic the way it is!
Oh I totally agree! I was being selfish and wanting the filter for my own benefit so I didn’t have to worry about upgrades! Ultimately I am hoping TagDiv will get back to me with a proper solution. However in the meantime, my “hack” works for my needs, and if someone stumbles onto this thread maybe it will help them as well. Again, if I hear anything back from TagDiv with a proper fix, I will be sure to update this thread. Thanks again.
So I haven’t heard back yet from TagDiv, but I was able to get it to work by modifying your display_field_groups function to have the following. It sucks that I have to do this, but was the only way I could do it with what they give me. I was thinking that maybe adding a filter there for $product could be beneficial for other developers/pagebuilders that do not follow standards?
public function display_field_groups() { global $product; if(is_null($product)){ global $td_woo_state_single_product_page; $product = $td_woo_state_single_product_page->get_product(); } if(!$product) return;
Thanks for the feedback, I have already confirmed 1 and 2, and the 3rd item is what I was going to do next. I totally understand this is not an issue with your plugin, and I really appreciate the knowledgable replies to my questions. I’m going to reach out to TagDiv now and see what we can come up with. If I get a response from them I will follow up on this thread for others, but in the meantime we can just mark this as resolved. ??
Okay I have just temporarily removed that. You can try now.
I was able to find out why it is not working, it is because the global $product is null.
public function display_field_groups() { global $product; var_dump($product); if(!$product) return;
var_dump(‘line 192’);
You will see on the staging my output debug code.
Ahh, yes we actually are blocking outside US. Are you able to VPN to the states and view? If not if you wanted to reach out to me directly via email I can grab your IP and whitelist you
Just a followup, I looked at your code and you are tapping into “woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button” action, so i added the follow action in my code snippets and I can confirm that it shows up on the product page, but I just do not know why the product options are not showing up.
add_action(‘woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button’, function(){
echo ‘Here’;
});I wanted to confirm that the bug has been fixed in the latest release! Thank you.
This list was created over 3 days ago
I went though the reconnection process and I get
FuseWP\Core\Integrations\HubSpot\SyncAction::subscribe_user:Signed API request has returned an error. HTTP error 404. Raw Provider API response: {“status”:”error”,”message”:”Couldn’t find a List with the given id ‘315’.”,”correlationId”:”d941ca2a-8a2c-4d83-a3ef-6da0b6105318″,”errors”:[{“message”:”This list 315 does not exist.”}],”category”:”OBJECT_NOT_FOUND”}.
Even though the list is selected from dropdown list in settings
I see
FuseWP\Core\Integrations\HubSpot\SyncAction::get_property_options:Error failed to refresh
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I just tried it and I guess we do not need to map Email field as it does that automatically. But after the user has sync’d the contact record gets into HubSpot but it does NOT go into the Static list that I just created and have linked in Settings.?
Okay that works for pulling in the list. A follow up question would be the only Mapping Fields it shows a “Hubspot” Fields are First name and last name. There is no email field in the hubspot fields…. am I missing a setting somewhere?