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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Only Keymaster Can Change Post Author of New PostISSUE SOLVED:
In looking into the HTML with dev tools I saw that id=’authordiv’ (which renders the author box) had a class added to it ‘hide-if-js’.
In searching threads for this topic, I came across one that mentioned it has to do with ‘Screen Options’ at the top right of the WP Dashboard when you create a new post.
It seems that, by default, when you create a new user, WP does does not enable (i.e. check the box) for ‘Author’ in Screen Options to display the author.
Checking that box resolved the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Only Keymaster Can Change Post Author of New PostI’ve since deleted that code…
But yeah, when I did run that code, I changed an Admin user to the be assigned that new role, and nothing changed.
Also, with some of the (User Role, etc.) I tried looking to see if for some weird reason a user assigned as an Admin wouldn’t have full writing permissions, but from all I could tell, they did.
I even saw a thread where someone said they got it working by creating a user that was an Editor first and then updating the to Admin…unfortunately, that didn’t solve it for us either.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Local Development to Test Site with Purchased ThemeOk. Thanks Steve.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Local Development to Test Site with Purchased ThemeAsk them what exactly?
How many sites am I able to use the theme with?
…also, there’s no problem inserting into the db with the same username/password credentials.
I have a function that’s templating everything out, making the db connection, etc. and then that’s used to compile everything and turn it into a shortcode via the WP hook add_shortcode()
No. I’m doing it via a .php script uploaded as a plugin.
Also, the code is calling a mySQL db (not a WP db)…though from the docs it looks like that shouldn’t matter.
Do you think it’s failing b/c I’m not using $wpdb (and this newest version of WP is flagging this)?
Again, I’m still really confused as to why, if I link to the page, there’s no error connecting to the db (and no issue with a wrong user or password…results get returned from the db), but if I click ‘Edit Page’ all of the sudden there are errors.
I’m doing my own db open
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytesHi,
I”m having the same problem.
After making an update to The Events Calendar, we’ve now been locked out of logging in to our site. When trying to log in, it just redirects back to the wp-login page requesting login credentials. This is happening with Chrome.
On another computer, we’re still logged in via Firefox and trying not to log out so we can try to use the debug log and see our issues.
The debug log is pretty large related to The Events Calendar (one of it’s probably about 60 lines long). Is it ok to post here?
Matt Meyer
Web Developer – SOMOS Community Care- This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by mattjacobnyc.
Thanks so much @bcworkz
Previously, I was using Filezilla, right-clicking the file to navigate to view/edit file, editing the file, then saving it to update via FTP as well.
I tried how you mentioned as well (downloading via FTP and then uploading via FTP with Filezilla), but unfortunately got the same ‘open for write: permission denied’ error.
It seems (at least with Filezilla) that these methods are not inheriting the properties of the file.
I like your idea about editing via the WP Dashboard editor.
I’m stuck though in terms of how I get the plugin to show up in the dashboard. The plugin activates and works in all other respects, but for some reason it doesn’t show up in the Dashboard with the plugins.
Do you know (or know a reference to docs) if there’s certain code (or know a reference to docs) that should go in the file to make it show up in the dashboard?