Matthias Nordwig
Forum Replies Created
Not yet, but worth a further option. I’ll try to add this option for the next release.
Currently just the password isn’t logged, as password fields are recognized and marked respectively to be left out during logging on server-side. That is what the parameter hashPWFields is added for.
I guess the error message is caused by a JavaScript error on your page. Can you check for JavaScript errors and probably send me the error message?
You can do so, by pressing F12 in your web browser, where you can see a console, that is showing possible errors. The plugin requires your website being free from JavaScript errors.
For the server performance issue, I am wondering whether you are using the explicite mode and switch of the “analysis mode” and the “direct analysis mode”.
The explicite mode is what I strongly recommend to avoid unwanted side-effects.
The analysis modes may slow down server performance, as they are designed for helping you to adjust the explicit mode. But as soon as everything is adjusted, they should be switched off.
If your server admin identified the plugin to slow down the server, how does it appear exactly? Does he mean the admin area? The request time of the page? Or did process deeper analysis? I would be interested if the origin isn’t one of those just mentioned.
For the client the request time usually should not be affected. The only thing that should occur should be a short load lag as soon as the first user input (i.e. a mouse move) takes place, as the hash puzzle that explicitly requires calculation effort, may shortly slow down the clients machine for less than a second. You can adjust the effort by reducing the hash complexity in the admin area of the plugin.
If you have any further questions, just give me notice.
Cheers, Matthias
Vielen Dank für das poetisch klingende Feedback :-).
Das ist auf jeden Fall motivierend!
Der SPAM-Schutz funktioniert direkt nach der Installation auf ALLEN Formularen!
Damit der Eindruck auch weiterhin so positiv bleibt, empfehle ich dringend, den Expliziten Modus zu verwenden, da der “Default-Modus” unerwünscht Seiteneffekte haben kann. Sollte es zur Anwendung des expliziten Modus Verst?ndnisschwierigkeiten geben, beantworte ich Rückfragen natürlich gerne.
Sch?ne Grü?e,
Hi Frank.
I had something like that in mind before. Now that you explicitly mention it, I‘ll add this for the next release.
Ciao Marco.
I believe you and I didn’t forget you. I have to further investigate that problem.
I’ll give you notice as soon as I have rebuilt and fixed that problem.
Ciao, Matthias
That’s kind of strange. But I am happy for you, that it’s working now. I got a similar problem reported from another user. For him the spam-check is working, but the message logging doesn’t.
If anything goes wrong again, just give notice.
and i clicked on each line with the divi recognition pattern
- Did you save the pattern as well i.e. pressing “Erkennungsmuster speichern”?
- I recommend to save as few patterns as possible. The one for divi should usually look as follows:
There is one more thing: If you have still opened the plugins properties page, while saving the pattern and save again the properties, to switch of the analysis mode and without reloading again, you may overwrite the patterns, as the settings page is saving all properties each time it is saved.
I am curious for your feedback..
Cheers, Matthias
Ach so. Ich war von der Newsletter-Registrierung weiter unten auf deiner Startseite ausgegangen. Für die WooCommerce-Registrierung müsste dein Pattern auf jeden Fall funktionieren. Ich selbst nutze dafür übrigens diesen:
Funktionieren müssten allerdings beide.
In any case, I strongly recommend to use the explicit mode and to watch the introduction video on the download page for the plugin in WordPress. I’ve just visited your page and it looks as if you are using contact form 7. Please ensure the following options in the settings menu for this plugin:
Tab “Most relevant”:
- Explicit mode: Checked
Tab “Spam processing”
- Block spam: Checked
Tab “Scope”
- Apply on pattern: {“_wpcf7”:null}
Hope this will help you.
Best regards, Matthias
Hi. I’ve just left this clean comment, as it is pretty complicated to spam WPDiscuz :-).
I was wondering that your form shows a comment field even if I switch of JavaScript. In my test environment, without JavaScript it doesn’t show any comment fields. How are your settings?
I am pretty sure, that whenever the plugin is blocking the spam and the flag is set respectively, the spam messages are saved. This I didn’t touch that routine since 3.6.3.
Fixed with the current release. Thank you for the hint.
I am pretty sure, that if the spam is blocked by this plugin and the respective flags are active, the messages shell be saved.
The page you mentioned, is indicating that some spam check is activated. This indication is not from this plugin.
The fact that with 3.6.3 is saving messages may be possible as this version is checking earlier, than the current one and thus is checking before the other spam check, whereas the current spam check is most probably executed after the other spam check.
Cheers, Matthias
I’ve just checked wpdiscuz: Did you switch off the built in recaptcha from google and the captcha that you told me from before?
I am asking this, as I believe, that the spam-check is already done before. If the spam would not be saved, even if it is blocked, this would be so in all cases. Even for Forminator itself.
Cheers, Matthias
Sorry, I didn’t read your mail. If it isn’t solved, it isn’t solved. I am looking out what might be the reason.
Evviva! ??
Grazie mille per le informazioni. Ti auguro un buon tempo!
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