Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Job posts appear to get added to the Blog taxonomythank you for your help. I will chat with my theme developer to see what we can do. any additional guidance you might be able to offer would be very very welcome
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Job posts appear to get added to the Blog taxonomywhat would i need to put into the single-job_listing.php file to make it a no sidebar content post
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Manager] Breaks Visual ComposerI have noticed this exact same problem…. the jobs page is severely mangled, and does not work, and my theme uses visual composer as well. I can get you a copy of the visual composer plugin, or i can give you access to my dev server to play with a live site with it integrated. which would be more preferable to you?
tobias, if I use this, it sounds like the table will remain semi permanently filtered based on the original parameter for the remainder of a users interaction with the table. Is there a way for a user to clear the filter parameter once they get to the table destination page? my goal is to still be able to provide an interface where the user can still access and filter all the data in the table, in subsequent searches.
got it. thank you!
I am not 100 percent sure what that means? can you dumb that down a bit?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] PoorI really have nothing to say that hasn’t already been said above.
Alex, you are not being fair. Please consider the fact that a real human being is on the other end of your jab who is gracious enough to still offer to help you, even after you have left the worst kind of feedback possible.
instead of leaving general negative feedback, consider leaving specific negative or positive feedback instead. It helps the person you are speaking to understand what you are frustrated or appreciative of, and provides an avenue to help that person improve. This strategy will surely help you build more meaningful relationships throughout life.
Please consider changing your review.
FVMjackson, what is wrong with you? why would you post such a negatively scathing review that is filled with overtly false complaints.
This is the rare case where a developer posts completely free open source software, and supports it himself…well.
Tobias supports his user base himself better than some large companies with entire call centers manage to support their products.
I don’t think it is even remotely unreasonable for him to offer a convenient way for his user base to offer renumeration to him for a product that works well, and is supported well. If you think asking for a review or a donation for his FREE work is wrong, then you are as dumb as you are rude.
I think you are a jerk for posting this, and to all that might read this comment, please know that it is baseless and completely untrue and the plugin works beautifully!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Table Reloaded] Can Tablepress do this?I figured out what was going on. my css was combining with a previous thead css class i had listed immediately before the rounded edge css, and for some reason it was striping out the first thead line of code and leaving the second radius line of code as an additional thead and tfoot parameter.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Table Reloaded] Can Tablepress do this?sorry Tobias please see
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Table Reloaded] Can Tablepress do this?Nevermind I figured out my issue
Tobias, this was perfect thank you!
Where can I find a comprehensive list of custom JS commands ?