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Well… I am happy to report that it CAN be done! Through much trial and error, and a little help from a ‘grep’ tool; I found several places in the wp-e-commerce plugin code that has this message. I found that no matter WHAT combination of variants I used (whether simple or complex), that I got this message displayed on my product-page. I happen to use ‘grid-view’, and if you use list-view, or single-product view, er some other way of displaying your products; then you’ll need to modify a different file than described below (although all these files should be in the same directory).
I found my offending file in ..\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce\wpsc-components\theme-engine-v1\templates\wpsc-grid_view.php. My biggest clue on what file was being used was to examine the page-source for my Products Page. Anyway, look through this file for a line that contains this string:
<?php _e('Combination of product variants is not available', 'wpsc'); ?>
I just used an HTML ‘comment’ to take this code out.
The whole fix:
1. Rename the existing file at ..\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce\wpsc-components\theme-engine-v1\templates\wpsc-grid_view.php. and rename it to ..\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce\wpsc-components\theme-engine-v1\templates\wpsc-grid_viewOLD.php.
2. Comment out the php that generstes this message.
3. Save the modified file as ..\wp-content\plugins\wp-e-commerce\wpsc-components\theme-engine-v1\templates\wpsc-grid_view.php.
4. FTP your modified file back up to your site, or make your edits on your web-host.
5. Reload the Products Page. Mine worked perfectly, with no side-effects.Tippy appears to play quite nicely with TablePress. I was able to display tool-tips containing Table-press table output using either ‘title”, or “img” tippy-tags inside the Tippy short-code without much difficulty.
Tobias has such excellent documentation for TablePress, that I was able to easily modify my individual table CSS such that all my tables display quite nicely on my front-page slide (I use Revolution).
The tool-tip effect (table pops up on ‘hover’ over element) is a pretty neat mechanic. — wait for the ‘Awards’ slide to see this effect.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Gold Cart activated, but not operatingGold Cart updates are a bit different… the best way seems to be:
1. Deactivate Gold Cart plugin
2. Delete old (outdated) Gold Cart plugin
3. Download newest Gold Cart plugin from
4. Install ‘new’ Gold Cart plugin via upload (or FTP)
5. Reactivate Gold Cart.
6. Go make sure API Key shows Gold Cart is working using
DASHBOARD->Store UpgradesThere are web-pages out there that give the same sequence (strangely, not affiliated in any way with GetShopped… but apparently reputable nonetheless).
As for my problem: my ‘domain’ issue is fixed, and Gold Cart reports that it is registered correctly. I can setup (and see) ‘Grid View’ on my Store (so I know Gold Cart is working), but I still cannot ‘Add Media’ (an image) to any products (using Product->Edit). Products show a ‘placeholder’ (empty image) in lieu of a real image.
On Pages, Posts, tables, etc… the ‘Add Media’ button works just fine, grabbing and inserting images from my Media Gallery. But for some reason, I cannot get the ‘Add Media’ button to do ANYTHING at all with Products->Edit. Likewise, I cannot ‘Manage Images’ from the Product-edit page, as this button also does not appear to work. Frustrating….
-MattForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Gold Cart activated, but not operatingWell,
The key has been in my DASHBOARD->Store Upgrades for several months, with the message ‘Gold Cart is currently registered’ (with green check-mark).
However, when I attempt to hit the ‘Submit’ button, I do get a message about the API-Key needing to come from a (now defunct) older domain.
If this is the root-cause of my problem, I will attempt to get it resolved through the premium-support link you suggested.
-MattForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Gold Cart activated, but not operatingWordPress version: 3.9
Gold Cart version:
WP E-commerce version:
Theme: Woodberry Pre ResponsiveLet me add that I am seeing EXACTLY the same behavior as Nonfascist (although without some of the working drama, and I have all my keys, etc.)
Specifically, I cannot seem to get ANY images uploaded for ANY products. The ‘Add Media’ button on my product page apparently does…nothing at all. Store sales through working appear to be working properly.
My problems: The functions of Gold Cart are not appearing on my WordPress blog after purchasing and installing the plugin.
What I expected: I expected to have increased functionality on my WordPress blog with the Gold Cart plugin through the WP E-commerce plugin. Right now I cannot figure out whether or not Gold Cart is adding any functions to my blog.
I would like to be able to change the image of each product individually, but there’s no product image tab where I can upload images. The Product Download tab under my Products button does not display the images that I’m downloading to show what each product looks like individually.
I fixed this problem with a completely different solution. I hope my experiences will help those struggling with the same issue.
A little background: We recently moved our site from one GoDaddy ‘hosting’ platform (and host) to another. GoDaddy moved the whole site to the new platform, and confirmed that the new site was working (sort-of). I later found that I simply could NOT upload any new media files.
I kept getting the ‘Directory cannot be created, check that you have ‘write’ permissions to the parent-directory’ message’, whenever I attempted to upload a file.
All the Googling I did kept suggesting that I change the wp-Content directory file permissions, and I did that; as well as the ‘uploads’ directory permissions — all to no avail. I key getting the same error message.
Finally, I called GoDaddy. They were friendly, and TRIED to be helpful, but all they did in the end was check and change the same file-permissions that I had already diddled with. They confirmed the error was there, but were at a loss as to how to fix it. They suggested that I Google the problem, and try multiple solutions based upon anything I found.
What I did, was Google ‘wp_upload’, and got the CODEX entry for that function. Then I wrote a little ‘tester’ code to dump the values of the array the wp_upload_dir() returns. This link shows my results: Tester Results. I’ve removed the domain name to keep it genric… but you get the idea.
This revealed what I had suspected: the upload directory that WP was attempting to use still pointed to my old (defunct, and now non-existent site-server), instead of the new server path!
The fix was trivial. I just need to add a line to wp-config.php:
“define(‘UPLOADS’, ‘wp-content/uploads’);”.This line needs to be added right before the line that reads “require_once(ABSPATH.’wp-settings.php’);” — of coarse you can remove the double-quotes. I got the mechanics of this fix from: Sarah Gooding’s article.
Once applied, this fixed the entire problem, and my tester conformed that the correct paths were now being used. It had NOTHING to do with file permissions!
It seems that prior to WP 3.5, users were able to set the UPLOADS directory in a ‘Settings’ field, but this field is no longer present in WP 3.5+, and the ‘UPLOADS’ constant is normally only set at ‘install time’. So when the site was ‘moved’ to a new server, my uploads directory was left pointing to a legacy (now defunct) value. Adding the line above to wp-config.php restores the value to a present (good) path.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Reading the TablePress datastoreTobias,
You are awesome! This is exactly the kind of detail I’m looking for, and thanks for the pointers to the specific code sections — you’ve saved me hours and hours of spelunking! I’m off to code…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Reading the TablePress datastoreYikes! That previous post formatted a bit differently from what I expected. Let’s try again.
I run a high school baseball site (a shared interest?) that uses and displays lots of data in tablular formats. So TablePress has a been a real boon, since so much of what is presented is best done with tables.
Consider schedules. The coach hands me a table with dates, times, and locations (and small amounts of incidental data like whether the game is a scrimmage or a ‘divisional’ game). I import this to a TablePress table, and add columns for Runs (for and against), Hits, and Errors. This TABLE becomes my default data-store.
When a game is played, a site administrator (usually me) goes to the table-row for this game, and adds values into the Runs, Hits, and Errors table entries for this row. Example: Varsity Schedules
But what I would LIKE to be able to do is programatically crawl though this data, adding up cumulative wins, losses, hits, and errors; and comparing the present date to the game date in order to present imminent games, recently played games, etc. (perhaps to populate yet another table.) In understand I may be able to do the sums with your extensions, but how do I accomplish the comparison of dates?
My point is that if the data is a table, whether it is stored in mySql or in TablePress; I will ALWAYS want to display it via TablePress.
So what I really would like — is to be able to read the values of my TablePress table data from my custom PHP code; then do some comparisons and producing some new short-code values (this looks straightforward); then I can use these short-codes to populate another table (ex: a Cumlative Stats table like those shown at:Anderson Baseball. I can take a whack at writing a little plug-in to do all this; but why should I reproduce all the brilliant code you’ve ALREADY written to present my data? I’d only get it wrong several times before I got it right. I want to leverage what you’ve already done to present my data as a table!
Putting all this tabular data in yet another data-store also seems redundant to me, since you’ve already stored all this SAME DATA somewhere in your own database tables. My experience with multiple data-stores is that they tend to become un-synchronized, and inevitably lead to row integrity conflicts. And again, you’ve already done such a good job of it — I’d only get it wrong again several times before I finally reproduce all the storage and retrieval mechanics that you have already accomplished so well.
-MattForum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Importing Links from Excel tableThanks Tobias, for the quick reply.
Unfortunately, the Wise Ones from our dear friends in Redmond have decided to implement the HTML conversion as a series of JavaScript functions that Tablepress is not fond of. So while the table renders great in a browser, it is not a exactly a <table> </table> kind of mechanic.
The problem is that the URL information is not preserved on the import. The link-description transfers just fine.
I have 40 or so links to move manually — it’s a slog.
-MattForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Showing infinite loop while clicking on 'send' buttonOK,
I just updated my Ninja-forms plugin from version 2.2.18 –> 2.2.46, and I am getting the exact same behavior as Conrad described. My forms still work, and I can view submissions, but no forms show up on the
All Forms
view any longer.
How do I go about deleting Ninja-forms, so that I can simply install a
copy as Conrad describes above? Do I need to install 2.2.46 on another site, and then ftp all the files in my ninja-forms folder to my
site? Unlike all my other plugins, there is no
menu-item listed for Ninja-forms in my Plugins view from the WP Dashboard. I also have the Conditional-fields and Layout&Styles extensions installed. Do these need to be deleted and re-installed too? In what order should I re-install all this?
I’d REALLY, REALLY like to preserve my existing forms if at all possible, as there were several hours of editing to get these all to look right on my site.