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  • Thread Starter Mattaton



    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Off-topic, but do you mean you want the secondary pages to be available as the parent page’s contents? I’m fairly new to WP, but I think you’ll need to set this up in your theme as a custom template for the parent page. That’s how I would do it anyway.

    Thread Starter Mattaton


    This ended up being a plugin conflict with the Post Types Order plugin. Disabling that fixes the issue, unfortunately I just can’t manually reorder posts anymore.

    Thread Starter Mattaton


    My export contents may be a little nuts. This is all on my development server where I’ve been learning and figuring things out. I have a pretty complex website I’m attempting to build with content that is nested sometimes 5 or more levels deep. So, I’ve been experimenting with how to use a combination of CPTs (hierarchical and otherwise) to get the best results. So far, not so good! ??
    Nevertheless, I have included the export below.

    I did more reading last night and found that as of WP 3.8, you can no longer use decimals in the menu position. So, that would explain the odd behavior of the 3.1 and 3.2 items.
    I also think I figured out why one of the items was being placed below Media when they were all given a 5 menu position. Since only one item can occupy any numbered position, they will cascade down to the next available position. I had five items all marked as 5. Since Posts is also 5, the first dropped to position 6, the next 7, 8, 9. That accounted for the first four items. Since Media is 10, the next (fifth) item was forced to go down to position 11. It all starts to become clear! ??

    The answer was I found a plugin that allows for the complete reordering of the list. Admin Menu Editor

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    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Yep…that’s exactly what I’ve been doing! ??

    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. I have 10 ads I want to display together and I’d rather not have to use the_ad() over and over for all of them, especially since we’re not able to use a slug name for each ad. The number IDs for the ads, by nature, make it hard to discern which ad is which in the code. (Another feature I’d love to see implemented for ads and groups, use of slug names like we can with placements).

    When you get around to implementing such a feature. I think it’d be awesome to be able to choose weight (display one at a time) or display all and then have an option for which order they’d display in. Perhaps the weights could be used to determine order when all are displayed.

    Thanks for your attention to this plugin and the needs of the users!

    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Ah, I think I see what happens. I went in and re-associated the custom menus with the locations in the new theme and the classes became menu-item again. Am I correct to say that page-item is for auto menus and menu-item is for custom menus?

    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Nevermind, I see there are several reset options.


    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Yeah, sorry about that. I realized just after I posted that I didn’t need the indexing. Something you had said made me think that I couldn’t add a second class within a string and would need to pass it as another value in the class array. That’s why I brought in the keys to separate the first class value from the second. Then I tested a string, “ad banner,” and realized that worked just fine. Problem solved. ??


    Thread Starter Mattaton


    For now, all I need is this:

    function toyyak_alter_ad_output($wrapper_options){
    	$wrapper_options['class'][] = 'ad';
    	return $wrapper_options;

    So, it works fine. But what you’re saying is if I wanted a second class, I can’t do this:

    function toyyak_alter_ad_output($wrapper_options){
    	$wrapper_options['class'][] = 'ad banner';
    	return $wrapper_options;

    How should I add a second class?


    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Nevermind, I see I can pass one string of classes to the class array.

    So, basically, that will take any attr that a div can handle. But, the only options for the wrapper tag is a div, correct?

    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Ah okay, so I can’t chain classes as a string then? Say I wanted the classes to be class=”ad banner”. Would I need to do something like this:

    function my_function($wrapper_options){
        $wrapper_options['class'][0] = 'ad';
        $wrapper_options['class'][1] = 'banner';
        return $wrapper_options;
    add_filter( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-options', 'my_function' );
    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Is this what I do in functions.php?

    function my_function(){
    	$wrapper_options = array(
    			'class' => 'ad'
    add_filter( 'advanced-ads-output-wrapper-options', 'my_function' );

    I see that your add_wrapper function takes an array and adds attributes to a div tag. Is that pretty much the extent of it?

    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Okay, I’m looking through your class code for how to manipulate the ad output. I guess I’m not clear on what options it will take and how to use them. So, I can use an array with advanced-ads-output-wrapper-options instead of individually sending strings using advanced-ads-output-wrapper-before-content and advanced-ads-output-wrapper-after-content?

    Can you give me an example of how it is used if I were inserting an ad placement in a theme?
    Does the_ad_placement(“placement-slug”) take additional arguments?

    Just as a suggestion to the codex, a quick example of hook usage would go a long way to helping figure out how to use the functions.


    Thread Starter Mattaton


    Thanks, Thomas, I’ll give that a look!

    Just so you know, I auditioned a TON of ad management plugins the past couple of days and your plugin was, hands-down, the easiest to use and made the most sense.
    I also liked reading through the support threads here and seeing how involved you were and how quickly you jumped on problems and came up with solutions. Very impressive!

    Thanks again!

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