Matt Scheidler
Forum Replies Created
Yes, I’m still having problems, but I’m not sure it’s a BWU problem. I have increased the PHP memory limit and created a new Job with just the one table and it still gives me the same error:
[01-Apr-2024 02:57:21] ERROR: Allowed memory size of 170917888 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9533984 bytes)
For now I’m just running two separate jobs and at least getting everything else backed up. It’s only happening on one site, which is hosted on a different server than my other BWU sites that are still working fine. So it’s likely either site-specific, or host-specific. I haven’t given up my investigation but I’m not sure as of now if there’s anything more BWU can do. Thank you.Serge, thank you. I found that the wp_cleantalk_no_cookie_data table is empty, without me doing anything extra. I suppose that the table cleared on its own when I made the settings change in WordPress?
Regardless, the overall size of the site is now back to expected levels because this massive database table has been cleared. Thank you for your help.
Thank you for the reply.
I’ve already split the job into two. One for everything except wp_options, and one for wp_options alone. I also increased the memory limit to 512M. Even so, the job with only wp_options still encounters the same error.
ERROR: Allowed memory size of 170917888 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 9525352 bytes)
Perhaps this is a hosting issue. Unless it’s just coincidental that the other person reporting the problem is on the same host.
My wp_options table for this site is rather large (25MB) – is that simply too big to be handled by this plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP2GO for WordPress - Email Made Easy] March 24 update breaking some sitesI had a support ticket there also. I have installed 1.8.1 to overwrite the problematic 1.8.0 and all my affected sites are good. I appreciate their quick response.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP2GO for WordPress - Email Made Easy] March 24 update breaking some sites@lifelightweb you can download the prior version here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP2GO for WordPress - Email Made Easy] March 24 update breaking some sites@lifelightweb My approach was to stop all auto-updates across the remainder of my sites before this update reached them, and to use FTP to change the name of the /smtp2go folder in plugins to something else, which disabled the plugin. My sites immediately came back up.
This doesn’t fix the problem but at least stopped it before any more sites went down. Not sure why 3 are OK and 4 aren’t.
- This reply was modified 12 months ago by Matt Scheidler.
Katereji, thank you for the reply.
This setting had been on “Auto” and I have changed it to “On”.
That will prevent this from occurring in the future, but my question remains – is there a way to safely remove the massive amount of rows that were stored in the “wp_cleantalk_no_cookie_data” table in the database?
Original poster here. Thank you for the update.
In my troubleshooting, it appears as though these log entries only happen when an non-Administrator role logs in. When I log in as an admin it doesn’t happen, but when my clients log in as Editor it does.
It’s not happening on all my AAM sites. Most of the ones where it is happening are 5-8 year old sites, and possibly there is some common denominator, though I haven’t found it. But one of the sites with the issue was just launched a few months ago, and doesn’t have all that much in common with the sites I was building years ago.
For now, I’m happy for your upcoming adjustment. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Manager] Search Results – link directly to the fileThank you for the reply. Sorry if my question was not clear.
With some help from Relevanssi support I am creating my own URL in the format
'/download/?wpdmdl=' . $post_id
and then building a custom loop in the search.php template to use this URL instead of the default result (the link to the WPDM single post) when the post type is wpdmpro.Now that I have this in place, I do have a follow-up question. Within your templates, there is a “refresh=” query parameter on each link. What I have done does not include this in the search results. Do I need to have this on these custom-built links, and if so what’s the best way to do it? Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Manager] Search Results – link directly to the fileThank you for the reply. I am familiar with creating custom templates. In this case I’m trying to change the Search Results page:( It is the links in these search results that I am wishing to change. Is there a WPDM template that controls the link when the output is a search result?
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Matt Scheidler.
Mark, thank you. I’ve rolled back the 2 sites that had already updated, and will keep the others on 1.5.6 in the first place. I appreciate the very quick response!
Update: as soon as I opened this thread, I started disabling auto-updates for SMTP2GO for my other sites that are still on PHP 8.0. (The majority are on 8.1 or 8.2 but not all.) Before I could get to them all, one of the others auto-updated, about 4 minutes ago, and it broke the site in exactly the same way. I’ve used Recovery Mode to disable the plugin there also.
Please advise. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Critical error on 2.2.1My client logged in first thing Monday morning and generated the same error again. Her Editor-role account looked like this:
My Administrator level account seems to be working normally. What I’ve done for now is just change her account to Administrator to allow her to make the content updates she needs to make.
On Friday I eliminated a plugin that they really don’t need anymore. This morning I made one update to the functions.php file in the theme that I thought might be an issue. Neither of these made any difference. There are a couple of old plugins (no longer getting updates) that I thought would be likely suspects, but I’ve disabled them and have not been able to fix this issue for the Editor role.
I have created a new Editor account so that I can continue troubleshooting, if there’s anything I can do to try to help. But for the client I’m just going to let her be an Administrator.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Critical error on 2.2.1Original poster here. I do not have the same plugin that has the known conflict.
I was able to confirm the error the first time I logged in after my client notified me. I made a few updates and removed a plugin that they could do without, and now I cannot generate the error. I need to have the client confirm that they also no longer have issues, which will not happen until Monday at the earliest. I’ll plan to check back in either to report success or to provide more information. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity PDF] Display individual values from List fieldJake, thank you for taking the time to reply. The second link you shared (echoing the columns) gave me the information I was looking for.
I have
foreach ( $form_data['list'][97] as $item )
and then in the loop I’m using
esc_html( $item['Company']
and so on.
Works perfectly, and I’ve also used the same approach for the References and Education sections of this application.
Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction, and thanks for a great plugin!