I have the same problem.
Filters work but when you click on page 2 AJAX loads, URL changes but the results stays the same.
Pagination doesn’t work only on a category where filter is active.
Click on the Pagination tracks to:
function(c) {
var d = a(this).attr("href");
d = berocket_apply_filters("pagination_href_from_clicked_a", decodeURI(d), a(this)), braapf_change_url_history_api(d, {
replace: the_ajax_script.seo_friendly_urls
}), berocket_add_filter("ajax_load_from_url_beforeSend", b), braapf_ajax_load_from_url(d, {}, berocket_apply_filters("ajax_load_from_pagination", {
done: [braapf_replace_products, braapf_replace_pagination, braapf_replace_result_count, braapf_init_load]
}, d))