Hi. Thanks for your answer. I will explain you how I use MathJax: this i a javascript library which can write mathematical formulas with the simple syntaxe :
\( formula in LaTeX langage \)
In WordPress, there is a MathJax Plugin. It loads MathJax library on each pages.
We can write this on paragraph, for example, and the formula is written on screen (frontend). You can see it on the page:
for example (at the end of the article).
I’ve tried to write : \\( \\frac{1}{2} \\) in field of Quiz Cat to write \( \frac{1}{2} \) on screen, and it’s works, but it’s not interpreted by MathJax.
I understand it’s difficult for you to see the problem if you don’t know MathJax. Anyway, thanks a lot… Perhap’s it is the occasion to evolve your plugin for Math Quiz ?