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  • Chris


    I’ve experienced many, many problems using Microsoft Word, and attempting to copy/paste into my blog. When doing so, it attempts to copy MS’ style coding as well into the blog’s html editor.

    the best solution i have found is I Don’t use MS Word. Use a simple text or text editor program to copy your text documents. It works without style sheet complications.

    hope that helps.



    just a thought, you can also use your HTML editor and enter:

    for a single line spacing or:
    <br class="spacer_" />

    for multiple line spacing



    i know the code:
    works on creating a page separation on posts… i’m not so sure on pages…

    (i don’t know if that helps you at all…)



    this might help:

    Thread Starter Chris


    THANKS! just found it!



    I recommend backing up before making changes –but what i’ve learned might be able to help a little….

    When you are logged into the admin part of the website – where you view your dashboard and plugins and what not —do you have a tab marked “appearance” ?

    1. disable link in post title
    ?Go to appearance/editor
    find (on the right hand side) “blog page template” or “(tpl_blog.php)” (idk how your page will look – but you want to find the php code for your blog)

    ?find this code: <h2 class=”h1″ id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>
    ” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>”> <?php the_title(); ?> </h2>

    ?REMOVE this part: ” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>”> <?php the_title(); ?>

    ?update the file.
    –this removes the link in the post title.

    If you want to remove the “posted by…” “Coments (0)” at the top too you will find and remove this code (found right under above <h2></h2> code):

    <p>Posted by <span class=”i_author”><?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></span>
    <span class=”i_comment2″><?php comments_popup_link(‘(0) Comment’, ‘(1) Comment’, ‘(%) Comment’); ?></span> </p>

    2. removing category:
    find this code in the same blog.php template as above: <div class=”post_bottom”> <span class=”cate”> Category : <?php the_category(‘ | ‘) ?></span>

    -if you remove the <span> to </span> code/content it should remove.

    I’m not too sure about the ACP code you are referring to – I too am not a pro at this… have learned what works via trial and error. (so take my instrcution above w/a grain of salt and BACKUP or copy code so you can easly put it back if doesn’t work…make sense?)

    Regarding the appearence of the postings on the main page, i can’t help too much — we have a post that is set up as our home page… no posts are supposed to appear on the front (main) page.

    the author/category/date info for posts can all be found on the template in editor that relates to your posts/blogs/? (ours is labeled: “Blog Page Template (tpl_blog.php)”

    I hope this helps…
    You can see how I’ve deleted our “posted by” and “comments (0)” on our site. our site:



    fyi: i just learned – that [private] [/private] code only works IF you are using WP-member.

    Thread Starter Chris


    diagnostics: Turned off all plugins. Turned on one at time.

    Result: wp-member interfering with the private code. wp-member has a private code (“[private]” & [/private]”) to add above and below private sections….to hide sections of site from “guests”

    this code does not work when wp-member is not active.



    I’m running into the same issue w/my pages.

    my members are signed in, but can’t seem to view the pages after signing in… any resolution?

    I’ve had to remove all my private codes so the website is usable!

    Thanks in advance.



    i’m not sure what the “private-post plugin” is, but did you try to place the code in above and below the paragraph you wish to have private?

    would look like this:

    paragraph #1

    paragraph #2

    paragraph #3 you wish to have private.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: editor not working
    Thread Starter Chris


    If anyone else encounters this problem – try turning off your visual editor, and deativating advanced editors in plugins:

    Our advanced editor (visual editor) and the editor w/WP is conflicting with our personally created theme. Once we selected to not use visual editor in our user profile, we are able to add/edit/and save content.

    all is now done via html code.



    I don’t know if esmi’s links helped… but maybe this will — I was having the same problem, ever since upgrading to wp2.8 (now on 2.8.2).

    we were able to resolve it by turning off our editor. This eliminated the opportunity to edit our pages/posts as if you were working in word, but resolved the issue.

    i’ve been intouch w/programmer who has several WP websites – he recommended extended editor as an alternate option.

    -hope that helps



    hi james – i can’t help answer your question, but you’re not alone. we have advertisers who are using SWF and can’t track anything… maxbanner ad pro will track impressions…. but not clicks and cpi of swf files…

    i’m trying to work out the google analytics docs as well — are you able to share what you have?? maybe we can figure it out?

    [email moderated]

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: editor not working
    Thread Starter Chris


    Anyone have any ideas on thisone?:

    our developer working remotely can edit posts and pages. he has 1 PC and 1 Mac –both will edit.

    Our home office has 2 macs, 2 PCs –we can NOT edit content on any of them. I’ve tested another mac, out of the office, who can NOT save content either…

    what would cause 1 person to have capability of editing and saving content, when 5 other computers can NOT?


    Thread Starter Chris


    I have 3 administrator login ID and Passwords — I get an error saying that the ID names do not exist.

    I can try to rename the plugins folder -but i do not understand how that will allow me to log in as an administrator to WP….

    Can you explain further? thanks…

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