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  • Thread Starter MasterOmok


    The theme was custom built for the client by another company, so there will be no updates available. My company is the new owner of the theme, and will be responsible to maintain it.

    I’m not sure how there could be theme or script issues interfering with the WPeC plugin. If the loading issue from the old version of the plugin is tied to the theme, shouldn’t updating to the new version of the plugin still have the loading box issue? The same theme is being used, only the WPeC plugin code is different.. Since the new version does not have this issue though, I am going to try to keep things moving by proceeding with the new version of the plugin.

    After reading your post, it appears that there has been customization to the plugin code itself. I have ransacked all of the plugin files and have found the file that seems to be the issue. It looks like the custom table display is being built in this file:


    I tried adding some test text to this file (the original wpsc-products_page.php from the updated plugin) to see if this is the right one to be working on. I do not see any of my changes on the product page output though. I have tried various forms of clearing the cache, and still have seen no changes. Is this the right file that modifies the [productspage] shortcode? Or which file should I be looking into?

    Also, while digging around I noticed that a function name has changed.. I am not sure how many others have changed, but the price function the old version was using does not exist in the new version of the plugin..

    Old version:
    <?php echo wpsc_the_product_price(); ?>

    New version:
    <?php wpsc_the_product_price_display(); ?>

    Are there any other product related function names that have changed that I should be aware of? Or could this be more customization?

    Thread Starter MasterOmok


    I am not sure how this a custom theme issue.. I have searched all through the code and have found nothing customizing the page (outside of CSS). The page is being filled by the shortcode ( [productspage] ), but the output from the shortcode in the two versions is different.

    Were some significant changes to the shortcode output between versions and That seems unlikely for a minor change-set difference.

    Why is the old version showing a table:

    <div id="default_products_page_container" class="wrap wpsc_container">
    	<div class="wpsc_default_product_list purchase_table fltright ">
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_65 all-categories group">...</div>
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_116 all-categories group">...</div>
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_118 all-categories group">...</div>
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_196 all-categories group">...</div>
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_202 all-categories group">...</div>
    		<table class="purchase product_list">...</table>

    Where the new version has none:

    <div id="default_products_page_container" class="wrap wpsc_container">
    	<div class="wpsc_default_product_list">
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_65 all-categories group">...</div>
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_116 all-categories group">...</div>
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_118 all-categories group">...</div>
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_196 all-categories group">...</div>
    		<div class="default_product_display product_view_202 all-categories group">...</div>

    The pages’ content is simply the shortcode: [productspage]. The pages are using a custom template piece – but that has nothing for building the tables within it. This would make me assume the shortcode is responsible for the table output.

    Was the shortcode output changed between these versions? Was the table output dropped between versions?

    Thread Starter MasterOmok


    I am still needing to add products to my client’s site. I am surprised that I have receive zero responses on this topic over the weeks it has been posted. I see multiple author responses to various other topics that do not follow the “READ FIRST before posting” guidelines. Yet I have given all the requested information with extra details, and have received zero responses whatsoever..

    Since we acquired this site from another company I do not have access to the support token from their purchase. So I am now at a point where my options are to purchase a support token, or go with another plugin all together.

    Since I have not even had one reply over three weeks of posting I am cautious about purchasing the premium support.. If I continue to not see any replies to this post I will likely be moving my client to a new plugin completely.

    Thread Starter MasterOmok


    Can anyone help me address either of these issues? I still need to add products to my client’s site, but the plugin simply will not work as stated above. I cannot use the version on the client’s site, and the updated version changes behavior with the shortcode..

    I really do not wish to take time to find a new plugin that meets the clients needs, and then redo their whole products page.. Please advise!

    Thread Starter MasterOmok


    What I did is not ideal because it requires multiple updates if we decide to change the thumbnail size or padding any time later.. But what I did is force the container to be a size of three thumbnails and centered that container. Our thumbnail is 222px wide.

    #huge_it_portfolio_content {
    width: 740px;
    margin: 0 auto;

    Then for when the screen resolution will only allow 2 to be shown on the same line, I made the container smaller to only fit two.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) and (min-width: 600px)
    #huge_it_portfolio_content {
    width: 500px;
    margin: 0 auto;

    And then when it goes down to one only being able to be shown I make the container smaller again.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 599px) and (min-width: 1px)
    #huge_it_portfolio_content {
    width: 240px;
    margin: 0 auto;

    Like I said, not ideal. As well as not a true center because of the the padding. Honestly it should just be a setting in the plugin area to center the items versus left aligned.. but that’s up to the developers. So a hacky approach is needed to center them, but it works.

    If you want to see how it looks, this is the site I was having issues with initially:

    Thread Starter MasterOmok


    I will email to follow up, but this is most likely an issue that will affect others as well. I assume that I am not the only one that would like the elements centered within the container. Also, this would not be limited to the commercial version – it would affect free version as well.

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