Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SlimStat Analytics] Saving dataall old data deleted ??
any way to recover?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SlimStat Analytics] Slimstat Admin Firefox appearancehi
I’ve have same problem on my 3 sites with chrome. it works fine with last firefox and IE!slimstat v3.3.4 but same results trying old versions until 3.2.5…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SlimStat Analytics] "right now" tab does not show recordsUPDATE
after deactivating and reactivating the plugin, all tabs showed a blank page except the “right now” (still showing data up to 4.1.2013)…
same issue after a fresh upload via FTP, it seems I’ve resolved all issues by deleting the only row in wp_user_meta table containing wp-slimstat’s data: (108, 4, ‘meta-box-order_dashboard_page_wp-slimstat’, ‘a:1:{i:0;s:0:””;}’);
as you said in this topic:
now I see a new record (for 9.1) in the right tab ^_^Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Mingle Forum] simpleI’ve got an issue while using the post from article WP integration: the plugin does not render HTML so the forum post shows only the raw code…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mingle Forum] [Plugin: Mingle Forum] Link post to forum shows html codesAnyone have found a solution for this issue?
I had to disable the Mingle Forum plugin because the “post from article” integration should be the driving part of the forum and it’s unusable for now…hehe you are right but your plugin is already a fav ?? thanks for it and for supporting us! ??
but… have you modified the default settings in your last update? I also remember that the panel “Informazioni su WP Slim Stat” normally showed the number of total accesses (from 7.2.2011 for my site), DB dimension, tracking status etc, while the “Panoramica” panel shows monthly and daily stats. Now I see a duplicated information: the total accesses and the 11/2012 accesses are the same; other values are still right.
I’ve already disabled/re-enabled and re-uploaded via FTP the plugin with no success.automatic purge is set to 0 (zero)… I’m looking into the slim_stats sql table and, even if I’m not very addicted to mysql, it looks there’re all my stats. just i cannot see them in the wp-slimstat info panel!
hi camu, same error on my site (only in articles list in dashboard), resolved by the workaround in wp-slimstat’s settings.
but before that I found out the update to 2.8.4 deleted all the statistics except for the current month, even if the wpslimstat database looks still “fat” (9.52MB). no way of recovering the lost statistics?same here!!! thanks in advance… ??