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  • antikx, I’m a bit puzzled. The Services_JSON class in the LiveBlog plugin is wrapped in

    if (!class_exists(‘Services_JSON’))


    so it shouldnt be getting redeclared, at least not by the LiveBlog plugin. I run Twitter Tools on my blog which also uses the Services_JSON class with no problems.

    Can you send me a link to download the P2 theme. I’d like to test it.

    Hi nowhereman, sorry, I misunderstood your question.

    Right now, to have all Twitter posts go to a separate page, you would have to make a change in the database (options table) where I store the post id of the current liveblog post (by replacing the existing value with the post id of the page). Its a hack, but it will work and redirect all your posts to the page you want. I dont recommend it unless you want to play around directly in the database.

    Now that I know what you want to do, I’ll see if I can incorporate it into a future version.

    Hi nowhereman,

    Once you install the plugin, go to the Options > Twitter LiveBlog page to set up Twitter username/password and a few other simple settings. The settings are explained in the Configuration page ( In the Options page, you can set how often you want WordPress to check Twitter for updates. I set mine to 1 minute during liveblogging and to 5 minutes when looking for new posts. You must save your options before the plugin will work.

    Instructions on how to start and stop posts are on the FAQ page (

    Basically, a Twitter update with “//NLB//” in it will create a new post on WordPress. You can add the title of the post by adding it to your “//NLB//” tweet. For example, send the tweet “//NLB// Liveblogging Post” to create a post with title “Liveblogging Post”.

    An Twitter updates you send after the “//NLB//” update will be picked up by WordPress and added as a new line in your post (with a timestamp).

    To end your liveblogging session, send a “//ELB//” tweet. This will tell WordPress that you are done with your liveblogging post. Any subsequent tweet will be ignored by WordPress. I recommend you wait at least a minute or so after sending your last tweet before sending the “//ELB//” tweet.

    For an example of a liveblogging post, go to . You can also read a review there of this plugin.

    Let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions.



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