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Thank you, that was just the thing! You have been so helpful!!
Nevermind! I must have updated to 0.8.1 recently because now it is fixed. Thank you!!
nick_thegeek- I am using 0.8.1.
Could you tell me what that plugin is? Thanks!
Ok. Did I impair the functionality of the plugin by doing what I did (above code change)?
I think I fixed the problem! I noticed that the issue occurs with the ‘eshopcart’ cookie. So I went into checkout.php and changed the following code:
If you need to take a look, my main site url is
My shop page url is have not spoken to my host because it still shows my domain, just not my shop page.
I have two wordpress installations: one is my main site, and one is my shop page. The problem I am having is with the shop page giving “No Results Found,” NOT the main page. So what the user sees when they try to return to my site is a page that looks just like my main page,, and you can see the header and the sidebar and the footer and all the styling for my main page, but under the main content you see “No Results Found.” The styling for my shop page is different (different header, footer, etc.), and that is completely absent.
P.S. My website address is
I have a similar problem, but slightly more complicated. I have my featured thumbnails sized to 180×160 because I need them to be that size for the “blurbs” on my index page. But because of that, my Nivo Slider also displays the featured images at 180×160 (I need them to be much bigger than that for the slider). Does anyone know how to assign more than one size of a featured thumbnail per post, and then assign the bigger size to my Nivo Slider?
My site looks like this right now: