• Resolved bloodico


    Hello and thank you for the great plug-ins

    Could you clarify the Subscribe2/Readygraph integration, please ?
    It looks really interesting to me (and I love the design of Readygraph), but I need some more explanation…

    To what I have understood through testing, when Readygraph plugin is active, this is Readygraph who manages the sign up form/Email setting instead of Subscribe2, right ?

    – but are the subscribers still stored in WP database or ONLY in readygraph Cloud ?
    – DO we have to manage subscribers through Readygraph website instead of Subscribe2 or can we do both ?
    – How does the subscription/unsubscription management page works with Readygraph ?…
    – If Readygraph manages Email sending too, what Email address will be used ? Readygraph Account/Email or the Email address as set in Subscribe2 ?

    I guess that if Readygraph manages the mass Email, this is still Subscribe2 who manages the “New Posts” Emails, right ?

    Could it be possible to explain, exactly, in the description or Readme file of the plug-in what exactly Readygraph does instead/in addition of Subscribe2, it would be great !

    Can’t wait to try all this on line, when I am sure of what it does and how it does it ;)…


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  • @bloodico,

    This page might help a little:

    Essentially, ReadyGraph have bought Subscribe2 off me (I’m the person that developed it over the last few years) so they can add the new features. Subscribe2 works in the same way but if ReadyGraph is enabled new subscribers to Subscribe2 have their emails submitted to ReadyGraph. The plan (I guess) is to collect this data at ReadyGraph and then suggest new blogs to subscribers to growth in readership can happen faster for individual sites.

    I’ll be around for the next 2 months or so now to aid the transition and perhaps longer if needed.

    Thread Starter bloodico


    Thank you for your quick reply
    I have already read about Readygraph plug-in and installed to try it together with Subscribe2.

    So when registering with the nice Readygraph form does it register the subscriber inside Subscribe2 as well (can I use Readygraph form to make the visitor subscribre to Subscribe2 ?)

    or is it just when registering via Subscribe2 that the Email is added also to Readygraph and that is the only interaction with Readygraph ? Subscribe2 still works exactly the same apart this tiny Email sharing ?…


    To be perfectly honest I don’t know the answer to that as I’m not using the ReadyGraph features on my own sites. I’ll see if I can get one of the new developers to post an answer for you.

    Thread Starter bloodico


    Thanks for your time @mattyrob!
    Indeed, after verification in the sources, it is a ONE WAY interaction, as you said :

    – Subscribe2 submit the email addresses to Readygraph so they arbitrary add if in their database, without letting the choice to the user….
    – Readygraph DO NOT submit its new subscribers to subscribe2…

    Useless… ??

    Thanks for all your quick reply, especially as Readygraph team is not really as quick as you are to answer..
    I am still waiting their support…

    This is really a bad idea judging by the post here. It is half baked solution, not tested, and not well thoughtout. Why should we use READYGRAPH? The subscribers will be scattered around two system…. I am hoping there is a way to disable ReadyGraph.

    At a minimum, we need to be able to add more subscriber emails into ReadyGraph.


    we are working towards synchronizing both the systems. The system will allow you to do much more than subscribers, mailing etc function, you can engage with your users at regular intervals. The social integration will allow more engaging. And subscribed users can also share social chats.

    You can disable readygraph.

    We look forward to the synchronization soon. We are really worried when we see it is one way integration only now. It might be better to wait until this is accomplished, then introduce it to subscribe2.

    Also, looks like there is no way to close the ReadyGraph pop up window?

    We understand this is a much needed feature for wordpress, just hope the execution is complete and swift.

    Thank you!

    No fault to the developer for finally trying to recoup a little cash for hours of work that was previously a thankless effort, but ReadyGraph just looks like another “free” app to collect your user’s IDs and track their activities, sort of like the Google Analytic’s. The producers of such “free code” put up a facade of glitter and use your user’s info to generate revenue for themselves in trade for your user’s privacy.

    You can’t really install Subscribe2 without the ReadyGraph banners popping up. Unless I find a way to strip out ReadyGraph completely, I’m in the market for a truly independently developed email plugin without funneling my user’s emails and data to an unknown mother ship.

    Any suggestions?


    Subscribe2 is free and independent plugin. ReadyGraph is an added feature. Unless you signup for ReadyGraph, ReadyGraph popup will not show up and in that case no information is collected. You can use subscribe2 the way you used to do it..

    Why does a banner keep popping up on my Admin panel (which will inevitably cause an unsuspecting admin to accidentally install it) telling me it needs to be installed? I can’t get past the giant ReadyGraph panel to access any of the plugin settings. The only option is to sign up for it. I can’t see how to get rid of all the nags and past forced sign-up banner and into the plugin customization panel.

    Do you absolutely guarantee that ReadyGraph is not getting access to my list of subscribed users or any analytical data from my users if I don’t sign up for it? Thank you.


    If you do not feel comfortable, don’t use it. Simple. If you want the benefit, use it. I do not understand why people want free things and don’t want this and that.

    By the same token you can just say yes/no that the ReadyGraph gourp is collecting our user’s email addresses or not. Everyone wants free, and people who like to code often provide free code as a hobby or as a reward for self accomplishment (see OpenSource). You are right, we have the choice to use a plugin or not. What is a bit hard to understand though is why someone who says something is free would all of a sudden start collecting their trusting user’s info and not make it clear that is happening.

    If you are collecting info, that is certainly your prerogative. I just would like to know with a yes or no answer. That is all, no ill will is implied, just disappointment. Thanks again for your response.

    There is also the option of a developer to start charging for code or to create a lite and a paid version with more features without the collection of data involved.

    I will pay for the code before I would agree for my user community to start getting ads or offers of how “Dear user you might enjoy this or that blog if you liked the other blog you just subscribed to”.

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