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  • If I’ve noted which files – and which lines of code – I needed to tweak to get the functionality that I needed, can’t I just re-apply those to future versions before updating?

    I don’t see any of my previous threads where Vafpress asked me a question that I didn’t answer … and I simply dropped this plugin because it wasn’t working and I found another solution by making an edit to the Easy Digital Downloads file.

    Just for curiosity’s sake, I went and retrieved the previous version of this plugin, v.0.1.9, and tried using that instead … but it doesn’t stop multiple downloads, even though the settings say that the limit is one.

    So it seems that v.0.2.0 now seems to stop all downloads, because every new test registration that I do, on the first login, the new account gets the download limit met error. Vafpress, can you help us out on this? It’s the only thing left that’s keeping me from launching my site.

    Thread Starter marvmckay66


    I just went to the library to test on a different computer and with a different internet connection, and the same thing happened – a new test signup gets the “download limit met” error on first login.

    Deliaraz, did you ever have any luck getting this problem resolved?

    Thread Starter marvmckay66


    Any chance I can get some feedback on this? I would love to avoid having the user click the download link and get to the download page and then get the wp_die error message if they’re trying to download for a 2nd time – it’s 2 extra pages they shouldn’t have to go through.

    mrsplat06, if you’re using TML on its own, just click on the TML link on the left side of your Dashboard, and on the general settings, make sure to check “Enable custom redirection.” Then a “redirection” link will appear, click on that to set your redirects. But make sure to notice that there are redirect settings for every level, in my case, I scrolled down to the bottom because I only wanted to redirect subscribers.

    I’m also using TML in conjunction with Paid Membership Pro, so I also had to hand-code redirect on login based on membership level, which went into the functions.php file … if you need assistance with something like that, let me know.

    This might be affecting me – where do you find the function wp_loginout() to edit this?

    I am also experiencing a redirect to the profile page after login, but am not sure why this is happening when I have the following settings:

    user links/subscriber: profile and dashboard have been deleted

    redirection/subscriber: referrer, which should send them back to the login page with a logged-in status

    I don’t understand how the settings could be ignored in both cases and sending the user to the profile page, especially when it’s been deleted?

    This just started happening to me in the last week too … it was working fine for the previous 2 weeks, but now even newly created accounts are told “you have hit your download limit” on their very first login.

    I do want to retain a download limit of once, which I do have set, but new members can’t even get it once.

    I’m having the same problem, but am also not getting any notification that someone has even signed up, and the test registrant is also not getting any emails until I go in and change from “review” to “success.”

    I have my IPNhandler set as was described: and I see the registrations within PayPal Sandbox as “payment status completed,” but I’m not getting payment notification from PayPal either.

    I have all 4 boxes checked in the e-mail settings, and did receive e-mails at my admin account when the test registrant’s account level was changed (from review to success) and when the same registrant canceled the account … so it’s partially working, but not when a new test person checks out.

    Thread Starter marvmckay66


    Hi Vafpress,

    For some reason, new account signups are getting the “you have hit your download limit” error message even though they are logged in for the very first time (so there’s no way they could have already downloaded the item) – any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? In which database table is the download status saved?

    Thread Starter marvmckay66


    I realized my problem this morning – I had a previous install of WordPress for my membership section, and when I moved it to a new install of WordPress (when I added Restrict Content Pro), the posts from the first version transferred over as written by a “contributor” rather than “administrator,” even though I wrote them as administrator on the first version. So, once I changed that user back to administrator, then I could click and retain everything in the meta box.

    Check to make sure the files were uploaded by a user listed as admin. Even though one would think that a current admin could control anything uploaded by a contributor, it didn’t seem to work that way, but switching to admin made it happen.

    Thread Starter marvmckay66


    Sorry, just realized my last point wasn’t fully accurate – the pages that do retain the protection remain protected … I guess I just coincidentally went from 1 page to another that both hadn’t retained protection.

    Thread Starter marvmckay66


    I’ve since upgraded to Restrict Content Pro, and am finding similar problems with the “Restrict this content” section. I’ve deactivated all plugins except for Jetpack and Restrict Content Pro, but it’s still happening on just a couple pages. I’ll check “paid only,” set the access level via dropdown, and then check the boxes of the subscription levels I want to give access to. Then I set user level to “subscriber” and click update, after which all of the check boxes go blank and the drop-downs revert to default status.

    Is there somewhere in the database where these values are stored? I looked through every table, hoping I could set the triggers in phpMyAdmin, but didn’t find anything that seemed obviously corresponding to those subscription levels.

    I’m a bit concerned because the 4 or 5 pages that won’t retain those protection settings then allow access in to the whole membership section if someone can find those pages.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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