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  • Thank you! bevdan’s edit fixed the issue for me.

    Just to follow-up, I tested this in Chrome and Firefox and did not work but it did work in IE — partially. I still wasn’t able to embed videos as advertised. I’ve cancelled and requested a refund ?? Hopefully this product will improve someday…

    Also having the same problem. Very disappointed I just shelled out $60 for something that doesn’t work as advertised.

    That totally helped me. Thank you for posting that jayroh.

    I was disappointed to see no built-in IE6 support with this theme. I’m fully aware of how much IE6 sucks, but still millions of people are still forced to use it, either on government computers or just non-computer people who have no clue — and I deal with many of them.

    The above fix didn’t work for me, so for anyone that’s still having trouble I put this little piece in style.css and it made the menu appear horizontally in IE6:

    .sf-menu li a {


    I’m having the same exact issue — the CSS for tables isn’t being rendered in the browser.



    If you’re looking to have a different sidebar for different pages, you’ll need the page ID for this code that works for me, as well as different sidebars named sb-1.php, sb-2.php, etc. as well as your sidebar.php file.

    In your ‘page template’ you can replace <?php get_sidebar(); ?> with the code below:

    if  (is_page('3'))  { 
    include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/sb-1.php'); 
    } elseif (is_page('5')) { 
    include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/sb-2.php');
    } elseif (is_page('25')) { 
    include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/sb-3.php');
    } elseif (is_page('29')) { 
    include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/sb-4.php');
    } elseif (is_page('7')) { 
    include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/sb-5.php');
    } else { 

    I figured out what I needed to do — thanks, me!

    Obviously, when you create a post in the WP Dashboard, underneath the editor there’s a section for Custom Fields. You want to add a new key called “Author” (sans quotes) and the value will be whatever the name of the author is.

    Now within your theme (in your single.php or index.php, just below ‘the_title’ you want to add the following:

    $author2 = get_the_author();
    $values2 = get_post_custom_values("Author");
    if (empty ($values2)) {
    echo "By " . $author2;
    } else {
    echo "By " . $values2[0];

    What the above code does is display “By Author Name” (the author’s name from the Custom Field that you input.) If there is nothing in there, then it will just use the actual WP admin’s name of who posted the article.

    Hope that helps!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Variable for author name?

    Eureka! So the key is that you want to use WordPress’ highly underrated and underused “Custom Fields”.

    When you create a post in the WP Dashboard, underneath the editor there’s a section for Custom Fields. You want to add a new key called “Author” (sans quotes) and the value will be whatever the name of the author is.

    Now within your theme (in your single.php or index.php, just below ‘the_title’ you want to add the following:

    $author2 = get_the_author();
    $values2 = get_post_custom_values("Author");
    if (empty ($values2)) {
    echo "By " . $author2;
    } else {
    echo "By " . $values2[0];

    What the above code does is display the author’s name from the Custom Field that you input. If there is nothing in there, then it will just use the actual WP admin’s name of who posted the article.

    Hope that helps!

    I am trying to something a little similar and JoshuaGoodwin’s code didn’t seem to be doing it for me — here is what I’m trying to do.

    I have a custom field called “Author” associated to posts (because on my blog, sometimes we have submissions sent in, which we post and want to attribute to the author) — but other times we just want to show who the actual WP author is — here is what I have and I’m getting an error with my syntax and I can’t seem to lick what the issue is — here’s the code:

    <?php $author = get_the_author(); ?>;
    <?php $values2 = get_post_custom_values("Author");
    echo "By " . $values2[0];
    <?php if (!empty($values2)) {
    echo "By " . $author[0]; />';
    Thread Starter martyz


    I’m an idiot. It might have been me that did this, but I’m not sure — but some setting didn’t ‘stay’ — here’s what I did wrong — maybe this will help some of you.

    If you keep your blog separate from the rest of your website, after upgrading, make sure you go to: Settings >>> Reading in the WP Admin.

    At the first item Front Page Displays underneath the A static page (select below) radio button — make sure that Posts Page is set to where you want your blog to link to. So for example — if you go to to get to your blog — make sure that the page blog is chosen.

    Hope that helps!

    I wanted to share my experiences in installing a flash banner into the header of my WordPress site. It took me forever to figure out, and i’ve found that the fantastic WordPress and Internet community in general has been great about sharing information, however I had difficulty in finding ALL of this info in one place.

    So I thought I’d do my part and lend a hand to my fellow aspiring WordPress developers out there.

    You can view a sample of the flash banner here:

    Here is the code I put into my header.php file within the <body>
    You can copy this code exactly and customize it for your needs.

    <h1 id="header">
    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="755" height="265" id="MCFLashBanner" align="middle">
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
    <param name="movie" value="" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="755" height="265" name="MCFLashBanner" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />
    <?php /*?><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a><?php */?></h1>

    You’ll notice that I commented out at the bottom the WordPress function call for the URL and name of the blog.
    Everything that’s in the <object> tag was generated by Flash… you can generate all of that code from your own Flash FLA file just by going to File >> PUBLISH (in Flash) and making sure you have an HTML file checked in your ‘PUBLISH SETTINGS’. Check the HTML file and within it, you’ll see the exact <object> info you’ll need to paste into your header.php file.

    The ‘header’ class is defined in my Stylesheet CSS file:

    You can copy this code exactly and customize it for your needs.

    #header {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    margin: 0px;
    text-align: left;
    vertical-align: bottom;
    height: 264px;

    The last and final trick.

    The biggest problem I had when loading a flash banner is that it ALWAYS REPEATED. I did not want the flash banner to repeat at all,… only after a certain amount of time did I want the banner to repeat or replay.


    You need to put some ActionScript within the first frame of your Flash FLA timeline.

    Here is the Flash ActionScript for making it so your flash banner will NOT repeat for 85 seconds.

    You can copy this code exactly and customize it for your needs.

    var today = new Date();
    var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("time");
    var period = 85000;
    if (loaded == total) {
    if (!(( -<_root.period)) { =;;
    } else { =;

    What that code does basically is say that if the flash banner has not been loaded before in someone’s browser, then it will play the whole movie clip within the Flash file (called ‘banner3’)

    And if the flash banner HAS been loaded within the last 85 seconds (flash reads milliseconds, hence the 85000), then the playhead will jump to frame 3 of the timeline, which is just a still image of the banner without audio.

    This makes it, so the viewer is not constantly having to see the same annoying flash banner over and over and over…

    I hope this was helpful. I can’t really offer much support info other than this, but perhaps it will lead you in the write direction.

    Happy wordpressing!

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