Forum Replies Created
Hi @amitbarai013 ,
I think this item should be tested and confirmed by the thread starter @andru666 once resolved.
My comments on the original gallery and accordion issue can be found here
Best regards,
MartinHi Amit,
as described excatly in my post above , I could not afford to wait for a solution and had to manually repair all galleries. This already happened 3 weeks ago. So there is no longer a gallery on my page which you could investigate.
I assume it was/is a similar error as found for the accordion items, where simply a ‘tabindex=0’ was missing in old posts, so that they could not even be edited anymore (described as well, including solution, in the post above).
For my page, there is no more action necessary, however for future upgrades/changes to the software, please consider existing blocks and their settings, so that sites do not break. This is all that can and should be done in the future, thank you!
My post above gives a good hint on what might be missing in such situations. If the dev team is aware, this thread can be closed from my perspective.
Best regards,
MartinHi @amitbarai013 ,
No, my topic was not about padlock icon and such. The Accordion was actually broken (see screenshot attached to linked thread). A ‘repair’ button was offered but could not resolve issue, so the block was still broken and uneditable. The solution is described in this thread:
It required dealing directly with the database, because repair method was unaware of the ‘tabindex’ attribute required. Your development team will know what to do about.
Not sure if this hint is helpful for the issue discussed here in this thread – but at least related.Hi @andru666 ,
I had similar problems with existing filterable gallery blocks not displayed and aligned properly, as well as accordion blocks not editable after the recent upgrade. For accordions being not editable, I found a reason and solution that might be interesting for you, too. If so, have a look at: @amitbarai013 ,
In the meantime, I was able to touch all affected filterable galleries and repair them in the editor. However, I was not able to detect the reason why most (not all) of them were defect.
I was, however, able to investigate on the Accordion block issue, where several Accordion blocks were defect after the Upgrade. Remember, these Accordion blocks were shown as defect in the editor WITHOUT a chance to edit or repair them. They remained defect, although they were displayed correctly on the site.
The reason was not easy to find, but is rather simple: All defect Accordions had atabindex="0"
missing indiv.eb-accordion-title-wrapper-eb-accordion-abcdefg
I had to edit each affected post in the database, changing e.g.
<div class="eb-accordion-title-wrapper eb-accordion-title-wrapper-eb-accordion-abcdefg">
<div class="eb-accordion-title-wrapper eb-accordion-title-wrapper-eb-accordion-abcdefg" tabindex="0">
So, this little extension made a big difference, and made the Accordion block editable again.
EITHER during upgrade of Essential Blocks Plugin, all Accordions blocks should have been checked for this extension and added if necessary OR the code should be flexible enough to not expect this flag for existing Accordions blocks.
I am afraid this support topic is not the right place, so I may open up another one with subject “Existing Accordion Blocks broken after upgrade to 5.2.3” – what do you think?I have now installed the provided dev version on the website. Gallery pictures are displayed now, but still not in a proper way (no border, no proper alignment).
However, the affected posts can now be edited again, which is a good step forward.
When looking at these posts in the editor, then they report that filterable blocks are inconsistent. Triggering a repair is resolving the issue, for both editing and the display on the website.
Nonetheless I have many many posts with filterable gallery inside, and all of them are affected. It is not a good way to touch them all, repair them, and store them back.
Would you please let me know waht made these blocks inconsistent and what can be done to repair them in an automated way?
Now that I can edit the posts again, I can also see that several posts, which also contain Accordion Blocks, have inconsistencies as well in these Blocks. Unfortunately, these Blocks can NOT be repaired, as triggering a repair does not resolve the inconsistency. Funny though, the accordions are still displayed properly on the website (despite being inconsistent). They just cannot be changed anymore. It might be this is a different topic, and should be adressed seperately. However, it seems there was an update which brought many problems with it…Thank you for your ongoing support.
Screenshot of Editor:
Affected post example (gallery already repaired, but accordion defect):
Affected post example (gallery not yet repaired, accordion OK):, I will investigate the Block details and get back to you via the link provided. However, for me it sounds like a problem with existing blocks which cannot be read by the new methods anymore. If that’s the case, others will be affected as well and will need a solution also. So once resolved, we should update information here as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Problems with Checkboxes after Update@mzozoo This topic has been marked as resolved, so I guess no developer will look for it.
One reason behind it could be a different (imo inconsistent) validation method in 5.9 vs 6.0.
The problem described here might affect other values that include HTML markup like <p> or HTML code like Well, the is of course intended – that’s the point, as I mentioned right on top.
It worked before – and the update is breaking the form.
I already depicted a possible solution which will still allow all kinds of whitespace around the value (see b), it just needs to be extended by a corresponding relaxed check for ajax-validation.
This problem in general might affect others as well. If values are trimmed for all whitespace, validations should run on the same trim methods at least. Which is currently not the case. Hence the validation error on radio button, checkbox or select value.
Please consider a coding improvement that will not break old forms.
For Checkbox, Radio, Select, I would even recommend to skip trimming whitespace, as theses values are provided by content developers who usually know what/why they are using whitespace.
Thank you.It’s a non-profit organisation website, which can only be reached from within Germany (please use VPN or let me know your country so I can temporarily open it up).
Here is a link to a small test form:
The critical point is to have a radio button or checkbox e.g. like this:[radio beitrag id:beitrag use_label_element default:1
"120 € : no blanks - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
"100 € : no blanks - commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque."
" 80 € : leading nbsp - penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur."
" 60 € : leading nbsp - Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu."
]Validation does not allow to select the last two options.
Sh*t. Even if class ‘novalidate’ is added to the affected radio field, it only helps initially to supress the ajax validation error. That’s why I thought it is sufficient to solve via changes mentioned above. BUT any follow up validation of OTHER checkboxes etc. will bring up the error again.
Oh my, please stop this excessive checking or make it tolerant against trimmed vs non-trimmed version!
I will have to completely roll back or suppress ANY form validation (if this is possible).It seems the return value is stripped in any case – no matter if validation is on/off, or option (a) or (b) is chosen to resolve the error.
Anyway, even if there is a forced trim on the result value (which I don’t like for checkboxes, radio and selects, as it is intended by the form creator and not filled in by the user), please resolve this validation error by either (a) or (b).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Problems with Checkboxes after UpdateHi @rabox66 , your problem description is not very specific about what exactly does not work anymore.
I am affected by a checkbox/radio button problem that might be a problem for you, too:
So if you are using whitespace surrounding your radio buttons or checkbox values, then I recommend to follow this support request.Opened as suggested.
Thank you @danielinhou for your reply.
However, I would suggest to not use mailpoet cron messages for pure informational purposes. IMHO, this should be reserved for real errors or warnings at least.
Best regards, Martin