Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Perfecting our travel siteI really like the graphical presentation of the ideas! ??
It doesn’t look much like the typical WordPress-blog, which in my eyes is a good thing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Dating PluginOne of my friends is going to release a WP dating-plugin in the next couple of days over at Github. You might wanna keep an eye out if you’re still interested..
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Recently launched :-)Thanks for the suggestions – I have a friend who can help me out with a custom logo, so I will definitely see if I can get him to help me. Thanks again ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: give me advice about my blogWhat language is that? ??
Esthetically I would recommend you to use the same text size for your blog posts – at the moment you’re using 2-3 different sizes for the same kind of content.
You can change it easily using the WYSIWYG-editor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Dating PluginA quick Google should reveal a couple ??
I’m developing a dating site and planning on releasing an open-source version of it with easy integration to WordPres (eg. feeding in profiles as pages, search functionality etc.)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: dating site QAre you sure WordPress is the right tool for this?
I’ve seen a few plugins for WP with dating functionality, but most of them are pretty limited.
There are numerous open-source frameworks / dating sites that might fit your case better…
Just as a side note – CTRL+F5 doesn’t delete cookies on the client, it just tells the browser NOT to serve the page from it’s cache, but to fetch a fresh copy from the server.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: ive been hacked and need some help plsGreat you found the solution!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Creating a dating site using wordpress?Hi Fabian,
Great post – there are lot of great plugins for WordPress out there, and it should be a good foundation for an online dating site, at least until you generate enough revenue to get a custom made dating site built. I think WP has it’s limit – it is after all a blogging platform, not a full-scale dating framework.
I work at a company running a dating site, and we’re exploring the possibility of open-sourcing parts of our dating software. Maybe this can interest you? Feel free to PM me…
I would recommend you start by learning some PHP and study some of the other plugins available. You can find great PHP tutorials around the net, although some of them can be pretty outdated. You can find some great tutorials here:
Best regards,
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