I have a major problem and need immediate help you may see my frustrated alerts on your chat system.
I have your software installed on my test site which has been working fine
However I got a new phone and thought the software restore on the iPhone would be fine only to realise the unique profile wan’t the same.
Therein started the problem, I disabled the original account the first email and used a second but misread the instructions and got timed out.
I tried another a third only this time I realised that the username on WordPress needed to be used and I’m not sure which one it is so I tried it twice only to get locked out for 24 hours
This is now a real problem as I cannot access the system at all and I am not sure how to address the problem and time is starting get on.
I do have the original phone now though so it is possible for you to reinstate the original account so I can get in and set up the WordPress accounts obviously after you have verified my email address.
I can give you the IMEI of both phones of you use that for your software.
Martin Beard