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  • Thread Starter MarthaLindeman


    Thanks! Busy week, and I will get to this asap. I deeply appreciate your great support! Your communication is very clear.

    Thread Starter MarthaLindeman


    Thanks for the great support! I just followed your instructions and printed the Published Posts and it worked perfectly. I did have to manually reset the margins and only then could I see the great header and footer info that is included. I also tested the print and pdf buttons on an individual post and they worked well (and they retained the margins I had manually set before). So this plugin is great for me to print the contents out for myself.

    I would like to keep the buttons on the post pages, but is it possible to get the following so I can?
    1. Smaller (less obtrusive) buttons. I am a UX designer and the current button design is so ‘in your face’ that it breaks the users’ train-of-thought from the post’s extract on the home page into reading the post. I might be able to use the current buttons if I get #2 below.
    2. Ability to put the buttons at the bottom of the page as people will probably read the post before deciding it was worth printing to keep. Also that would put them with my social-media buttons and users would only have to think once about ‘What do I want to do with this post?’ (I would be satisfied with just at the bottom, but other people probably would want to choose bottom, top or both.) Also, if I could control this by changing the priority of the plugin, that might work (although the footnotes plugin priority has already had to be changed and I do not know what it is now).

    Thanks for all your help!

    Thread Starter MarthaLindeman


    It did the same thing when using the Print button on a single page in my Android phone. If I change the Print orientation to Landscape each page of eight fits the contents perfectly, but for Portrait almost the entire bottom half of the page is blank for each page.
    I am using Chrome on the pc, and CloudPrint on Android. I double-checked by printing a portrait page on the pc just before doing the print page to make sure it was set up for Portrait because when I print from PrintMyBlog the ability to change between Portrait and Landscape dropdown is not on the screen.

    I took a screenshot from each device and put it in this post on Mental Power Tools. Debugging Post

    Thread Starter MarthaLindeman


    That was spectacular support—thanks!

    There is one remaining problem. The pages going to PDF are laid out as landscape rather than portrait, and nothing I do seems to change that. When I set my print function to landscape, I do not see any margin issues (other than they all are set to 0). When I change to portrait, the plugin print content does not change and there is content outside the margins. The plugin shows 22 pages processed but I get 76 pages to the printer. Am I missing something? Is there anyway to get it to print with portrait layout?

    Thread Starter MarthaLindeman


    Sorry I missed your message until now! I just activated the plugin and put the buttons on posts and pages. I had only tried the entire set of published pages, and just now I tried a single post. It has the same problem. I am leaving up the buttons in case you need to them—the blog is very new and it does not have any readers at this time. Thanks for your quick response. I really appreciate it!

    Thread Starter MarthaLindeman


    I decided to briefly try a simple debug tonight and it appears to have worked perfectly. I turned off the Pininterest button from both the fixed and floating UI widgets in Super Socializer and did not touch anything else anywhere. Now everything is fine with footnotes on the pc. I also had a problem page displayed on an Android device, and simply refreshing the page (now without the Pininterest button) made it work perfectly.

    I do not think I have touched anything in Super Socializer since I cloned this new site, and that was weeks before I installed and started using footnotes successfully. Thus I have absolutely no idea what would have triggered the problem this week!

    One of the things I really like about SuperSocializer is I do NOT have to use shortcodes. In its settings panel I just check the boxes of which buttons I want and the types of locations for them to display (pages, posts, etc.).

    Thanks very much for your quick and excellent help in solving this problem! Do you want/need anything else from me to help resolve this issue so it does not happen to other people?

    Thread Starter MarthaLindeman


    Thanks! I will work on debugging this probably tomorrow, and I will let you know what I find out. This is really weird because I have not (AFAIK) changed anything regarding any of the social media buttons or their settings. They were on there before I installed footnotes and it has worked great until yesterday.

    I did write quite a few new footnotes yesterday, so perhaps something in one of them triggered this mess. The other code change that could be the trigger was installing a couple of other plugins, but supposedly they have nothing to do with social sites.

    The social media plugin I use is Super Socializer. I will start with it tomorrow and then progress through the debugging until I solve this one way or another, and let you know. I do not want to warn people incorrectly about a problem, especially given how much I appreciate your plugin and your high level of support.

    Thread Starter MarthaLindeman


    I also just noticed that the image is cropped at the bottom. What is the preferred image size and dpi for the front cover?

    Edit: I also just discovered that I must write everything within this plugin—it does not allow me to bring already written posts into the book. I want to be able to organize my existing posts as chapters and then insert(write) new chapters. Unfortunately, without this feature this plugin is useless for me. (I realize I could cut-and-paste from the existing posts, but then I have to keep track of which posts I have duplicated.)

    I think losing ABT and having to use Gutenberg (unless I put in the WordPress Classic Editor plugin) are enough to convince me that WordPress is no longer appropriate for building a site. I would consider paying for ABT as shareware if I thought it would be around and supported for a long time.

    EDIT: My references are exported from JabRef in proper format. So I will copy-and-paste those from a working file into my post as a last step. I will create the separate working file as I manually type the in-text citations into the post. That way I can still use the Classic Editor without being concerned about plugins that may disappear.

    I agree strongly that we need the Academic Bloggers Toolkit plugin for the classic editor! (but I do understand that I currently have the classic editor through use of another plugin.) Having to use the block editor is almost enough to make me take my sites out of WordPress. Please reconsider your decision—is there any way that support can happen?

    Thread Starter MarthaLindeman


    I debugged this issue by realizing that all of the \cite entries in my article included standard LaTex brackets containing the relevant page number. Then the plugin works well. Apparently including brackets in \cite breaks it. Thus I have not yet figured out how to include page numbers in my citations. Any how-to information posted here would be deeply appreciated.

    I understand that having a terrible default picture is motivating for people to go to Gravatar, but it should be a blank rather than a terrible monster! (If it has to be a monster, at least make it cute!)

    I registered for, logged on to change my password and then immediately went to Gravatar as soon as I saw the default gravatar for me. I cannot get into the gravatar site, and I even logged out of WordPress and back in to make sure my password change had taken effect. Apparently there is a delay between the databases and I will have to come back to do the Gravatar edit.

    Please (1) make the default picture a blank and (2) make it easier to change it.

    We are using a password-protected test location in preparation for launching a new blog. It is very heavily based on plugins (e.g., for math latex), but would like to try JetPack instead. Like the above poster, the test environment cannot be made available for public view.

    Please give us an option of using JetPack in our test environments before we take them live.

    Thanks in advance,

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