Campbell McArthur
Forum Replies Created
Actually, it’s just an image that I made for my computer repair business which is called… PC Medics On Call
Here is the website that I coded and designed when I re-branded the company, please tell me your thoughts on the branding and design. I do appreciated honest feedback especially from developers
The cartoon character is my mascot and the cross just makes the Medic connection.
I am actually a first generation American born in New Jersey and my parents are from Australia and New Zealand.
I try to keep things informal and treat everyone as friends so, please just call me Cam I insist. : )
Thank you for the fast replies back Baden and yes, I will level up as you put it as I am always interested in patronizing developers that write good code and deliver great support for their plugins.
Thank you once again Baden.
Hey Baden how are you today man?
I know how to do this already with deregistering the stylesheet but, I already have existing code in place doing this for WP-Customer Reviews plugin where it will output the stylesheet to my customer reviews page exclusively.
basically it would be this code
add_action( ‘wp_print_styles’, ‘my_deregister_styles’, 100 );
function my_deregister_styles() {
wp_deregister_style( ‘collapseomatic-css’ );
}Do you foresee this as a problem using the approach above? What would you recommend as the best way to deal with this situation please Baden?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] When is version 3 coming out?Well golly, this is good news and I do understand the amount of work involved in developing but to be truthful fellas, I was really starting to give up hope on this coming to see the light of day.
I emailed you guys directly months ago and never even got a courtesy response back from you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] Plugin inserts vCard into the_content, EVERYWHERE.Yeah and seriously…..where the hell are the developers of this plugin?
I wrote the developer an email explaining this situation over a month and a half ago and have yet to receive a reply back or even the decency of a hello thank you for reporting the issue…..WTF???
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Customer Reviews] Plugin inserts vCard into the_content, EVERYWHERE.This is my main beef with this plugin is that, not only does this plugin inject java script and it’s own style sheet on every single Page /Post but even when you disable the VCARD from showing on every page it STILL continues to insert the HTML Below regardless!
<div id=”wpcr_respond_1″></div> </div>
</div>So, not only do we have additional calls to Java Script and CSS style sheets that we DO NOT need on every single page but we also have to incur an additional penalty stroke with added USELESS HTML Markup that has no rhyme or reason to be there!
Here is what I did on our website —->>>
Hey good morning Chuck,
Sure, I am aware of all of that but I am still trying to figure out what you meant by replacing the language files???
The stable version that I have installed on had the PHP Plug file and a read me file. I got the stable version setup and as I had thought, it cant call on a language file that is not present in 2.0.7 so don’t mind me being a little confused here when you said grab the php, read me and language files and overwrite the old files by uploading through FTP.
So with that said, are you saying that I need the language file directory in the FB OGP plugin directory in addition to the PHP pluf file and the readme?
Your going to have to excuse my lack of knowledge on dealing with and using GitHub – I know exactly what it is and have used it in a very limited capacity just grabbing code in the past so…. I’m kind of green on the github scenario
Posted another comment above Chuck
My avatar looks like a disgruntled piece of pizza on the loose….LOL
Odd, I checked the OGP files in the Plugin directory where I had uploaded 2.0.7 earlier on my Mirror Test site (Mind you I had not entered the FB Data in the plugin fields yet!) and when I looked before uploading the PHP file that I had created from your code I had only seen the “2” existing files in the OGP 2.0.7 folder which were..
Read Me
wp-facebook-ogp.phpAm I missing something here Chuck or is this because I had not initiated the data in the plugin fields? Don’t think so but throwing it out there anyway
You are referring to just the PHP file correct?
Good enough and that works for me bro! I assume that I can do a fresh install with 2.1 without having ever used 2.0.7 before ?
Hey thanks for the reply back Chuck. Much appreciated! Yeah, I know the feeling man, these past 2 months have been neck deep in a site migration and a company re-branding (my own) and this is just one more thing that I really don’t want to do is the whole social media thing but, once again, it’s being shoved down all of our throats by the establishment whether we like the shit or not.
None of the social media stuff has ever appealed to me in the least bit and although I know how good it is for business I was too busy running a business or with study to want to even consider giving a crap about it which I don’t but alas…. that time has passed and it’s time to suck it up and get on the bandwagon so to speak to appease the 3rd Reich and fuhrer GOOGLE.
Sure, I can see what I can do for you with Thesis but, I have to ask this… I know it’s “BETA” but how stable is this beta?
As with all developmental software in “Beta” we all know that we should not run it on a production website but there have been many instances with certain developers that their actual beta code is more well written than alleged “Stable” Public Paid Software.
People have nothing but good things to say about your work Chuck from what I can see and read so, with that said.. my time is very limited so I would need to use this on my actual business website do those time constraints. Where is 2.1 in terms of safely using it on a operational site please Chuck?