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  • Try downloading the plugin zip file and installing again.
    I had problems with this because the author forgot to include images and javascript subdirectories. But she has just updated it. The current download link does now give you the correct version. You may have to change the z-index in style.css so that it’s greater than what’s used for the theme’s #header div. That’s what I had to do. Check out this forum posting.

    Thanks Sarah, this is a real UI help for teaching faculty.
    All I have to do now is to figure out how to disable the ‘Sign Up now’ and change ‘Forgot your password’ since we’re using LDAP authentication.

    changing z-index to 1001 in style.css did the trick.
    Double-plus chuffed!

    Thread Starter markpea


    This has been resolved. See this thread

    Brilliant! The included sub-folders made all the difference.
    I looked at the css and I thought something was missing …….
    Now I have a new issue — the pop down login is appearing behind the main menu in the theme. Is there a Z-index I should set? I notice that#iRToppanel{ position:absolute;top:0;left:0; width:100%;z-index:999;
    and yet this is what it looks like.
    Thanks for this majorly cool plugin. Absolutely double-plus cool.

    With WP 3.1.2 and BP 1.2.8 the plugin did not work with either BuddyBass theme or the standard BuddyPress Theme. I added the code as Trivikrama suggested (good move) :

    52         <body <?php body_class() ?> id="bp-default">
    53           <?php if(function_exists(updateHeader)) updateHeader(); ?>
    55                 <?php do_action( 'bp_before_header' ) ?>

    But neither the tab nor any sliding window appears. I am running in multi-site, multi-user mode if that makes a difference.

    Thread Starter markpea


    OK. I have sussed the problem and the database connection is established properly. Initially I knew that I wanted ‘network’ and ‘multisite’ options and so I added them to the wp-config.php before firing up WP. Wrong thing to do! After carefully consulting the online documentation and having started up a new installation from scratch I fired up WP and was able to login. Then I added the line define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); to the wp-config.php on the fly while still logged in. I reloaded and hey presto the ‘Network’ option appeared under the Tools menu. I configured the network for multisite True and subdomain install false and then got the instructions to create a Network of WordPress sites (the details of which were exactly the same as I had used before!). I added the requisite lines to wp-config.php and recreated the .htaccess. Now when I logged out and then back in again the site came up correctly and I can carry on.
    I thought I could cut a corner and speed the installation by adding the site definition stuff before the initial login.

    define( 'MULTISITE', true );
    define( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false );
    $base = '/';
    define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', '' );
    define( 'PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/' );
    define( 'SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 );
    define( 'BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 );

    However, this just doesn’t work! You have to startup your WP install in single user mode and then add the multisite and network capability. That this is somewhat counter intuitive is shown by my assuming that config statements are state neutral when in fact it seems that this is not necessarily the case.
    Anyway,. all is hunky dory now and thanks for all the helpful comments.

    Thread Starter markpea


    -First, try contacting the hosting provider if the database server is online / if they have any other problem at their end, or they made any changes to your account, or if there are any limitations/restrictions, etc .

    The server is in the machine room next door. I have other WP databases currently running with older versions of WP (v3.0).

    – double check your wp-config.php file settings for the database name, database username and database password. This is where most errors occur.

    I’ve gone over these settings with a fine tooth comb. What I don’t understand is that admin/wp-install.php creates and populates 11 tables in the database before returning to wp-login.php. So the system must have accessed the database using the info in wp-config in order to do this, don’t you agree?

    -Then check that you don’t need to change the database host from “localhost” to something else. You can get that info from your hosting provider.

    I don’t understand this either. All the other WordPress and Moodle installs I have done use ‘localhost’ successfully. Why would I need to change it now? But I did try ‘’ without success (same error message). I do have sole access to this server (it’s my sandbox) so there’s no other user account that could screw things up.

    -Check you have actually created a database with the same database name as is in your wp-config.php file.

    Yes, I checked with phpmyadmin and 11 tables were created :
    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_quake |
    | wp_commentmeta |
    | wp_comments |
    | wp_links |
    | wp_options |
    | wp_postmeta |
    | wp_posts |
    | wp_term_relationships |
    | wp_term_taxonomy |
    | wp_terms |
    | wp_usermeta |
    | wp_users |

    -Last, but not least, if all that information is correct your database probably has a problem with it, and you may need to contact your hosting provider.

    Ask your hosting provider if the database server is online / if they have any other problem at their end, or they made any changes to your account, or if there are any limitations/restrictions, etc . Also check with them if you need to upgrade the hosting account in order to install and run your verson of the WordPress.

    Again, I have sudo access to this server so the hosting provider is me. It already runs WP3.0 with no problems, it’s just this latest 3.12 which is giving me gyp.
    Here’s another thing. The following code:

    $db = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'quakeuser', '*******');
    if (!$db) echo "connection failed";
    else echo "connection succeeded";

    located in the same directory as wp-login.php when run from Firefox outputs ‘connection succeeded’
    I really appreciate your taking the time to help me out here. This is driving me bats!



    Sprocket — I took a quick look at your blog. Overall, I like it. Rather professional I’d say. Not so sure I like the large social media connection stuff at the bottom of each post. And perhaps making your prose somewhat less conversational while still maintaining accessibility might help boost the professional feel. If that’s what you want. Good effort though.



    OK. I’ve sussed the problem. It was the path descriptor. When I see the phrase ‘path’ I always assume that it means absolute file path, so I had /usr/local/www/apache/data/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/imagerotator.swf as the “path to imagerotator”. What it actually means is the URL, so changing this to did the trick. I guess it does say (URL) in the field descriptor but the if the [Search now] button doesn’t work (which mine didn’t) then you have to trial and error it.



    OK. I am getting the same problem. The code [slideshow id=1] does not show anything on the page. I am using WP-MU 2.9.1 with the latest versions of NextGEN and imagerotator. I do know that the path is correct and everything is set up right. For more details and a screenshot see
    NextGEN goodness (the blog site I’m working on is behind a firewall so it’s not visible to the world).

    Thread Starter markpea


    I forgot to mention: checking ‘Enable group blog’ in the circumstances outlined above does not lead to a blog being created successfully. And now any subsequent attempt to create a group blog fails in the same way.

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