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  • Thread Starter markowe


    OK, I now note that these entries have not been happening for a while. I am going to conclude that at some point I ran a caching plugin that took it upon itself to cache the REST responses as posts in wp_posts. Leaving this here for posterity and closing the topic.

    Thread Starter markowe


    Well, I will have to, even though I have never written any code that creates posts in any way, I wouldn’t even know how to do it without referring to the documentation. I was hoping there might be some mechanism whereby the REST API does it for some reason, but guess not…

    Thread Starter markowe


    Ah, yes, I am probably underestimating the number of legitimate visitors who might get hit with a full-on captcha – and that “select the images with cars in them” one is probably the most annoying of the lot…

    Thread Starter markowe


    Thanks for the suggestion, I will certainly implement this too, I like the “honeypot” idea. Unfortunately not all bots crawl everything, some know exactly what they are after and target specific sub-pages using my on-site search, and will not visit arbitrary links on the page, hence my idea to use Recaptcha v3. The reason I mention that is because it does not actually require any action on the part of the user, so doesn’t burden them (though users visiting more than 5-10 pages on my site are probably 1% of users at most so no big deal). It will only challenge suspected bots, and even then will not actually make them solve a challenge, it’s all invisible now.

    Thread Starter markowe


    Ah, I usually Google these things but it never occurred to me that this had already been addressed.

    In my plugins I have just started inlining CSS for this same reason, not sure if it’s ideal per standards but it avoids this problem.

    Yes, I would like to do this too, not sure if it’s been answered before. I guess the code would need to be altered somewhere, since I don’t see an option for that?

    I have some other plugins that also produce sitemaps for their specific functionality, and they also use the ‘sitemap.xml’ filename, so I would like to use both in parallel.

    Thread Starter markowe


    It’s going to be different for every page load. Basically they are search results, but not the regular WordPress search, it’s returning some results from 3rd party APIs and stuff that takes some fetching and crunching. They are all displayed in the same page, like,

    I do cache it in my local database and in the first instance flat html files, but sometimes a wait is unavoidable because results need to be refreshd, so I want to show some kind of “searching” GIF – I think it’s a lot more friendly than a “Waiting for” to load the whole page, but the only way I can see to do that is have WordPress load at least the headers and whatnot, but load the_content aysnchronously.

    Great! I am glad we got this fixed between us! But it does show that the add_meta_box function reference is out of date since it only mentions save_post there. Not sure at what point these actions got split up (I am guessing that’s what happened?) but other plugin authors seemed to figure it out, not sure how!

    P.S. This edit_page_form isn’t documented in the Codex other than a single line here where it says:

    Runs just before the “advanced” section of the page editing form in the admin menus.

    and I have not yet tested whether I need edit_form_advanced too, since this says:

    Runs just before the “advanced” section of the post editing form in the admin menus

    I.e. the first is for pages, the second is for posts – I need it working on both, will look into that once I have got my code working on the page edit form – one thing at a time!

    Well, I got things working finally – I had to pry into the code of another plugin (All-In-One SEO) to see how they had done it, and this was what worked for me:

    add_action('edit_post', array ( $dl_myplugin, 'myplugin_save'));
    add_action('save_post', array ( $dl_myplugin, 'myplugin_save'));
    add_action('publish_post', array ( $dl_myplugin, 'myplugin_save'));
    add_action('edit_page_form', array ( $dl_myplugin, 'myplugin_save'));

    My needs were simpler – to save the meta_box data regardless of whether the post is being published, saved, autosaved, or whatever. This seems a bit spray-and-pray, as I am not really sure which hook is being activated here but I guess I covered all eventualities! Hope this helps!



    Thanks Jon, not late at all ??

    Hmm, I tried edit_post too and nothing seemed to happen at all but I will look into that again. I think my concern with edit_post was that this action is hooked when comments are made too. Because I am using save_post (or not, as is the case currently) to save POSTed meta_box data on the edit post/page I definitely don’t want that happening when a user makes a comment – I would have to do additional checks to make sure we are on an edit post/page screen, not even sure how to do that right now.

    OK, thanks, will look into edit_post again and see if there are any reasons why it might not be working.

    BTW, what’s with those parameters? Would it be the same for add_action?

    I was doing:
    add_action (edit_post, array(&$mypluginclassinstance, 'mycallback'));
    Something seems to be out-of-date in the docs about that…



    I see this never got answered. I have the same problem – tried the same thing, echoing some debug code in the save_post callback and it only shows on New post (presumably when the first autodraft is saved, or the database entry created for the new post). Ever find a solution?

    Thread Starter markowe


    I agree it is not against any of the rules, but what if all plugins did it? If I am using 10 different plugins I would end up with 10 widgets on my dashboard!

    I disagree that it is not additional software – it is more than a mere link, it is an entire widget displaying an RSS feed. And it should be disclosed when installing at the very least. I could not even tell which plugin had installed it without some further investigation. That, like I said, is sneaky.

    However, I quite agree that I can remove it and no doubt will.

    Thread Starter markowe


    Yes, it’s free, it’s in the repository. What difference does it make whether it’s free or not? It installs additional software that the user did not ask for, and does not disclose this.

    We would all like to monetise our plugins, I am sure – me too, but that’s not the way to do it. It’s VERY similar to a ‘free’ program installing a toolbar in Windows without telling you – and most people would call THAT spyware/malware.



    Hi, I am the author of WordBay, someone pointed me this way. Sorry, file_put_contents is a php5 function, WordBay does not support PHP4, I am sorry, I have probably not emphasised this anywhere. It’s likely you are running on PHP4. If so, you need a host that supports PHP5 (you may be able to change the PHP version in the control panel), PHP4 is being deprecated by most programmers. Let me know if you don’t think this is the problem.

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