I am using this plugin on two sites – a testing and a public site. On testing site I have 2.5.3 version and it works like a charm. On pubulic site I have 2.5.7 version and User Permissions and Global Setting are blank, plus I can make or save new Themes, Forms or Extras. I get ‘Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access this resource’ error.
I tried downgrading back to 2.5.3 but still no success. Both sites are running with WP 5.4.1.
I’m running PHP Version 7.4.2 on testing site and live site is on 7.2.x as my hosting provider doesn’t have option for 7.4.2.
Now I also tried updating plugin to 2.5.7 on testing site and it still works just fine. Could be PHP version compatibility a problem?