Forum Replies Created
Just to add to help people out that won’t figure this out if you comma separate div selectors you can have more than one selection i.e. the following shows #content and #footer being selected for lazyload.
if (navigator.platform == “iPad”) return;
placeholder: “$placeholdergif”
});Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove <li class=”cat-item and <li class=”tag_item”Ok thanks for that but it’ still not going to help by posting the URl because you won’t be able to access the themefucntions.php file.
So I have it here. The parts that count.
# Displays a list of categories
function dp_list_categories($num=0, $exclude=”) {
if (strlen($exclude)>0) $exclude = ‘&exclude=’ . $exclude;
$categories = get_categories(‘hide_empty=1’.$exclude);
$first = true; $count = 0;
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($num>0) { $count++; if ($count>$num) break; } // limit
if ($category->parent<1) {
if ($first) { $first = false; $f = ‘ class=”f”‘; } else { $f = ”; }
There is nothing for the tags in my Theme functions.
Brings me back to my first point – it’s not the theme that is adding the tags but it is WordPress itself.
But I don’t know how or where.
So I’m still right even though I’m being told I’m not.
I don’t want to argue just to find the answer that’s all.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove <li class=”cat-item and <li class=”tag_item”The reason is because
<li class=”cat-item and <li class=”tag_item”
Are added as standard with every WordPress install so there is really no need to post the URL.
If there was a need I would have to post it but in this case I don’t and it’s a clients site which is only new which would cause this post to rank for the clients site name before his site even ranks.
I also do want to know how to do it for furute projects not just this one.
They arent’ even necessary which is my biggest issue with them.
As for your reply you are a moderator so surely your reply should be on topic instead of a rant because that’s what it looks like to me when if you took a minute to take a deep breath you’d know exactly why the url doesn’t need to be posted.
I know if I was moderator there is no way I would have replied like you just did.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Allow no user role to post?Thanks Jimmy but it’s no use.
I’ll have to figure out a way somehow as I’ll be needing it for most of my future WP projects.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove <li class=”cat-item and <li class=”tag_item”Jimmy unfortunately I am not obliged to post the URL as it is a clients site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove <li class=”cat-item and <li class=”tag_item”It’s not necessary to post the blog URL.
This happens with all WordPress blogs.
I’ve even removed the code in theme functions that could be the only piece of code that outputs those and it made no difference.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: <?php the_content(); ?> withing <head> </head>For example
<?php the_the title ()) ?> is restricted to so many characters.
SO I want to use <?php the_content(); ?> but whenI put it within my head it’s just blank.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: <?php the_content(); ?> withing <head> </head>Yes I need it within </head> to use as the title for the Faecbook like button.
As I have to restrict title to avoid having really long titles and url’s because of the nature of the site.
Are these forums dead? I haven’t got a reply to any of my recent posts. I’m guessing they are?
Please someone give me an idea how to set the default image for realted posts by category plugin.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Popular Posts with ThumbnailAnyone?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How To? Recent Posts with thimthumbAnyone?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: 2 Column Archive Display?Thank you. Makes much more sense now than it has done all day.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Featured Content Slide not Displaying the Correct Image for Each Post?I guess still no ideas lol. Please help me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Featured Content Slide not Displaying the Correct Image for Each Post?Anyone… please?
Any suggestions please?