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  • Thread Starter markboulder



    Thanks again for your follow up. I’ve been in communication with Pitney Bowes support and it sounds like it may require an eCommerce PitneyShip account in order for this to work, but the support from them hasn’t been great, so I don’t feel confident in that. Do you happen to know if that is the case? I was finally put in touch with the account manager for my client so I’m hoping he’ll be able to provide more information.

    Ultimately, the client is actually more interested in having all WooCommerce transactions sent to their PitneyShip account and printing labels from there vs. the WP admin, in addition to getting the correct PitneyShip live rates for customers at checkout. Does your plugin also send Woo transactions to PitneyShip such that they could print from there if they’d prefer?

    While working on this, we also came across which details a way to connect Woo and PitneyShip such that: “Connecting your WooCommerce store to the PitneyShip allows you to manage data between both platforms.” which of course is very vague and provides no further details on what that means. There was no “add store” option anywhere on the client PitneyShip account which is where I was told that an “eCommerce level” account was needed in order to enable that, but no solid information on what that connection using their method actually achieves.

    Thanks again for all of your help. Please let me know if you have any more information to share based on the above.

    Thread Starter markboulder


    Thanks for your reply. I set up an account using that link yet when I click on the “login” link in the PB Ship Admin I get a message after logging in of:

    Your login attempt failed.
    The user is not authorized to access Merchant Portal.

    Is there some kind of additional step I need to take? Also, it’s not clear to me how I’d link the client PB account to the developer account to. In general I’m a bit confused about the steps to set this all up. Do you have any documentation available?

    The query being echoed is the following, the first is after activating the plugin, and the second is on the admin page for the plugin:


    SELECT o.ID order_id
    ,o.post_type channel
    ,d.meta_value delivery_est
    ,IFNULL(IFNULL((SELECT meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key='_shipping_first_name' AND post_id=o.ID LIMIT 1),(SELECT meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key='_billing_first_name' AND post_id=o.ID LIMIT 1)),'')fname
    ,(SELECT 1 FROM wp_postmeta JOIN wp_options ON option_name=CONCAT('sms_sb_',meta_value) WHERE meta_key='_billing_phone' AND post_id=o.ID LIMIT 1)subscribe
    ,(SELECT meta_value FROM wp_postmeta LEFT JOIN wp_options ON option_name=CONCAT('pb_unsb_',meta_value) WHERE option_name IS NULL AND meta_key='_billing_phone' AND post_id=o.ID LIMIT 1)phone
    ,(SELECT LOWER(meta_value) FROM wp_postmeta LEFT JOIN wp_options ON option_name=CONCAT('pb_unsb_',meta_value) WHERE option_name IS NULL AND meta_key='_billing_email' AND post_id=o.ID LIMIT 1)email
    FROM wp_posts o
    JOIN wp_postmeta s ON s.post_id=o.ID AND s.meta_key='_last_shipped' AND s.meta_value>=NOW()-INTERVAL 30 DAY
    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta d ON d.post_id=o.ID AND d.meta_key='delivery_est' AND DATE_FORMAT(d.meta_value,'%Y-%m-%d')>DATE_FORMAT(s.meta_value,'%Y-%m-%d')
    JOIN wp_postmeta m ON m.post_id=o.ID AND m.meta_key LIKE '_pb_label_meta%' AND m.meta_value NOT LIKE '%inbound%' AND m.meta_value NOT LIKE '%cancel%' AND m.meta_value NOT LIKE '%returnToSender%' AND m.meta_value NOT LIKE '%delivered,%'
    WHERE o.post_type IN ('import_order','shop_order')
    AND (LENGTH('0')>1 OR (d.post_id IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(d.meta_value,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(NOW()-INTERVAL 3 DAY,'%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(NOW()+INTERVAL 10 DAY,'%Y-%m-%d')))
    AND o.post_status NOT IN ('wc-cancelled','trash')
    ORDER BY m.meta_id DESC
    LIMIT 50;


    SELECT n.option_value store_name
    ,(SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’woocommerce_store_address’)address
    ,(SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’woocommerce_store_address_2′)address_2
    ,(SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’woocommerce_store_city’)city
    ,(SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’woocommerce_default_country’)ctry_state
    ,(SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’woocommerce_store_postcode’)zip
    ,(SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’woocommerce_store_tel’)tel
    ,IFNULL(NULLIF((SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’woocommerce_email_from_address’),”),(SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name=’admin_email’))email
    FROM wp_options n
    WHERE option_name=’blogname’

    Thread Starter markboulder


    Awesome, thank you so much for your quick fix!

    Thread Starter markboulder


    Great, thank you so much for the assistance.

    Thread Starter markboulder


    Please refer to the html version of the calendar I posted:[email protected]/ea4899b35c7544d1b64e896b8427a4b26259028811832111781/calendar.html You’ll see events specifically for Aug 1 and Aug 2 that are not showing on the ICS calendar preview. For example, the following shows on the html version, but not the ICS preview:

    Hosford-Abernethy NA (HAND) Executive Committee Meeting

    Tue 8/1/2023 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

    Thread Starter markboulder


    That was very helpful! Thanks so much!

    Thread Starter markboulder


    Thanks for chiming in Marcus. I’ve already created the custom taxonomy, and have applied it to the search forms successfully. What I need to do is have the taxonomy show up on the locations submission form, so that users can choose this taxonomy when creating a location. It shows up on the backend create location form and works great, it just doesn’t show up as an option on the front end location submission form. Any way to enable this? What file controls this form, and what would I need to add to show the custom taxonomy as an option? Thanks so much for your help.

    Thread Starter markboulder


    I need locations to be able to be assigned to more than one of these taxonomies and am using these for custom taxonomy archive pages and searching, so custom location attributes would not meet my needs. I wouldn’t imagine that adding this custom taxonomy as an option on the Location Submission form is that complicated (it already shows on the backend add/edit location page). Any ideas?

    Also, any ideas for my other question regarding enabling approval status for locations?

    Thread Starter markboulder


    I am still struggling with this, and any help would be appreciated. I added in the slug rewrite:

    'rewrite' => array(
                    'slug' => 'supplier',
                    'with_front' => false,
                    'hierarchical' => true

    and also added in a custom taxonomy to ‘posts’ just to see if it was specific to EM. It is, because I see the archive page at , “test” being the cust. tax. name, and “testing” being one of the terms.

    Why is this not working for the locations taxonomy? It certainly is possible, as event categories are a custom taxonomy for a custom post (events), and are able to display pages by event category. What needs to be done to enable this same thing for my custom taxonomy on locations?

    Thread Starter markboulder


    Thanks for that. I added it, and of course that added the events categories to locations. If that’s the only solution, though not ideal, I could work with that- however using the shortcode simply displays all the locations. I tried location_category=”Cat Name” , location_category=”2″ and location_category=2 . All show every location. Also, when I go to nothing shows. Likewise with What do I have to do to get either the shortcode working, or the url showing a category archive page. I would really prefer to use the custom taxonomy that I already created for locations, and display a taxonomy archive page for that. For example

    Thread Starter markboulder


    This is development work for a client, so unfortunately I can’t freely give out the development link (plus it’s currently restricted by ip address). I am referring to events-search.php. I have searched the forums extensively, and the only solution I saw suggested adding a multi-select, or replacing the select with a checkbox group, but I am still not sure how and where I’d modify the corresponding sql statement. The function wp_dropdown_categories could perhaps be replaced with wp_category_checklist but I’m not quite sure how to implement that effectively, and more importantly, what else I’d need to modify in events manager to make it work. From events-search.php:

    <?php if( get_option('dbem_search_form_categories') ): ?>
    		<!-- START Category Search -->
    				$selected = !empty($_REQUEST['category']) ? $_REQUEST['category'] : 0;
    				EM_Object::ms_global_switch(); //in case in global tables mode of MultiSite, grabs main site categories, if not using MS Global, nothing happens
    				wp_dropdown_categories(array( 'hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' =>'name', 'name' => 'category', 'hierarchical' => true, 'taxonomy' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'selected' => $selected, 'show_option_none' => get_option('dbem_search_form_categories_label'), 'class'=>'em-events-search-category'));
    				EM_Object::ms_global_switch_back(); //if switched above, switch back
    		<!-- END Category Search -->
    		<?php endif; ?>

    I really appreciate any ideas on this one. I currently have a number of categories that need to have the capability to be multi-selected and displayed with the search (ie, show all posts that match any of the selected categories).

    Thread Starter markboulder


    Yes, it has a coupon option, but I don’t see anywhere to apply a discount for purchasing multiple tickets at once.

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