After posting i realised a critical error i made up there.
Now after some hours i arrived at this, wich should work if i wasnt still missing something:
add_action('em_event_output_condition', 'my_em_event_output_condition001', 1, 4);
function my_em_event_output_condition001($replacement, $condition, $match, $EM_Event){
if( is_object($EM_Event) && preg_match('/^is_attending$/',$condition, $matches) ){
$EM_Booking = $EM_Event->get_bookings()->has_booking();
if( is_object($EM_Booking) ){
$replacement = preg_replace("/\{\/?$condition\}/", '', $match);
}else{ $replacement = ''; }
return $replacement;
Inserting a few alerts into the code tells me that
if( is_object($EM_Event) && preg_match(‘/^is_attending$/’,$condition, $matches) )
never returns true. Do i need to include anything important in my functions.php?