Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [VS Event List] Change the words “date”, “time” and “location”I did it!! Thanx a lot. Marianne
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [VS Event List] Change the words “date”, “time” and “location”Ik heb de twee voorbeelden geplakt in regel 302 en regel 303 van vsel-shortcodes.php. Met haakjes en zonder haakjes, maar in beide gevallen heeft de site “technische problemen”. Ik doe het dus niet goed. Hoet moet het wel?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [VS Event List] Change the words “date”, “time” and “location”Yes, i managed. Thank you!
De datum settings zijn nu ook prima. The taal was ingsteld op Nederlands formeel, ik heb het gewijzigd naar Nederlands.
Wat ik nu nog jammer vind, is dat er staat: Er zijn geen aankomende of huidige of aankomende events. Het woordje events zou ik graag wijzigen in evenementen. Wij zijn een seniorenorkest en nog niet zo thuis in al die engesls woorden. Hoe zou ik dat kunnen wijzigen? Ik kan wel in de html bestanden komen.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event List] Event List: event could not be modifiedI changed only the date format in the settings of wordpress. It worked! But I hope there are no negative consequences for other parts of my website?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event List] Event List: event could not be modifiedI would like to, but i do not know how. I tried the eventlist “settings” I can find the php-files. But where should I change the date setting?
I looked around, burt couldn’t find it.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event List] Event List: event could not be modifiedI tried to change a time for one of the events en then i get this remark also “Error: Event “Najaarsconcert” (id: 5) could not be modified”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event List] Event List: event could not be modified
That’s correct. Only when editing. I just added “kerstconcert”.
I tried te edit the others, but i get the same remark.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Music Player] ErrorsI was installing it, but then it said that it would overwrite something definitly, so i am afraid to change things that i can’t turn back. Marianne
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Music Player] ErrorsI have read your post “On/Off setting on page refresh” So i don’t want to install CW Music Player anymore. I give a link on my page, and the reader/user must himself decide what to play it with. Thanks for replying on my post. Marianne
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Music Player] ErrorsIs it possible you give me the link to your website so I can see how it works??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Music Player] ErrorsI also have a warning like that after installing wp music player:
Warning: Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/deb65130/domains/ on line 977 and defined in /home/deb65130/domains/ on line 990
There is no audio file regarding this posti really like the plugin, bur is does not work. Can anyaon solve the problem. I am a beginning wp user.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Links werken niet in aangepast menu in de widgetarea1. The link in a post does not appear and work in that post when it is openend with “aangepast menu” in the primary widget area and if the post is shorter then 40 words. In my website it is called “actualiteiten”. The link does work when the post is longer then 40 words and there automatically appears “continue reading”.
2. I would rather not have a “continue reading” inserted.
3. When it has to be, then rather in Dutch. “lees meer”