20 years ago
In the documentation I’ve credited both you and oriecat for your help in troubleshooting this theme. Thanks again!
Ok, for what it’s worth…
Download the theme
Thanks for the heads up … and the screencap, oriecat!
Jinsan, I did consider of “Out of the Box” but that didn’t make any sense either. [shrug]
Thanks for your kind comments and input, Jinsan.
I made the title div clickable and changed the rollover color on the menu as you suggested.
As far as the name, well… I’d welcome suggestions on that, too.
Just wanted to mention a nasty work-around: it also works if you put <body id=”whatever”> in the page content area… you don’t have to have the two (or more) header files.
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Maybe this helps?
Don’t know if this will help or not, but I documented my trials with this issue here: