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  • Thread Starter marek_step



    Wow! This looks pretty simple! But you have to know it! And I was scratching my head and tearing my hairs …

    Putting the site on the server, is it better to put this line back?

    You earned at least a crate (right word?) of Bavarian beer ??

    Thread Starter marek_step


    Now I uncommented in the httpd.conf the line:

    LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/

    Restarted the server … No help! Perhaps logout login in WordPress? One moment please … Still the same …

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by marek_step.
    Thread Starter marek_step


    Thank you bcworkz and mrtom414 for your helpful answers. I am a Perl-Programmer – yes yes an old-fashioned Language – and pretty new to PHP. Off-topic question: is a hacker able to see the server side php-source?

    Thank you again


    Thread Starter marek_step


    Sorry for the noise! First this is not the right forum and second there is a silly mistake:

    get_blog_info WRONG! => get_bloginfo

    Sorry again!

    Thread Starter marek_step


    Hi fitnessbuddies!

    If you develop locally download the wordpress update, unpack it, move it to your develop folder, open your Terminal/Shell and :

    cd /Users/yourname/sites/

    cd means “change directory”. In this folder is now wordpress-5.2.3 folder and your wordpress-work-folder to update on the same level. Now you issue the following command:

    rsync -av wordpress-5.2.3/ wordpress-work-folder/

    rsync is replacing all newer files from source wordpress-5.2.3 to destination wordpress-work-folder. Important are the slashes in this command. I forgot them, and for that reason asked here in the forum for help.

    Was this clear enough?

    Best greetings


    Thread Starter marek_step


    I am ashamed. But now the update is fixed with this modified rsync command in the shell:

    rsync -av wordpress-5.2.3/ test_wordpress/

    To all best greetings and sorry for the noise!


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by marek_step.
    Thread Starter marek_step


    Sorry! I cannot insert images to illustrate my reply. Don’t forget to kill the ftp-server after the update; the more servers you have running locally, the more you are vulnerable (MySQL, apachectl and ftp-server).

    sudo pkill -x pure-ftpd

    Hope this helps some people out there …


    Thread Starter marek_step


    Hi HudsonValleyWebDesign

    That’s good to know, that here are professional WebDisigners out there. I am developing my pages locally and I am updating Themes Plugins and WP itself locally over a local ftp-server. I am not a professional as you are, but for all others out there, which are regretting the missing ftp-server on the High-Sierra MacOS (10.13) here to set up a local ftp-server and update your local WordPress install:

    Easiest is to install it with homebrew:

    (To install home-brew refer to: – in your shell you issue following commands:

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

    To maintain your brew install issue regularly in your shell:

    brew upgrade 
    brew cleanup

    Now to install the local ftp-server:

    brew install pure-ftpd --with-everything

    The switch --with-everything is probably superfluous and probably the default.

    Now you have create a file /etc/pam.d/pure-ftpdwith following content:

    # pure-ftpd: auth account password session
    auth       required
    account    required
    password   required
    session    required

    NO FORMATTED TEXT. Use your favourite Text-Editor (In Terminal vim, emacs, or pico). Or BBEdit. You have to be root to create this file.

    Now you fire up the local ftp-server:

    sudo /usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd -lpam -B

    Now you can update all WordPress Sites locally:

    You only have to enter your password …

    “/Users/mstep/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at 10.17.09.png”

    Thread Starter marek_step


    Thank you RossMitchell fpr your suggestion. Yes I am updating my local WP with a download of the actual WP Version and then I run rsync in my shell, something like this:

    rsync -av WP_actual_version/ /path/to/local/WP_folder/

    But my themes and plugins are still to update …

    Any help for a ftp-server on High-Sierra? Or an other method to update all in WP?

    Thx again


    Thread Starter marek_step


    Hello David!

    Thank for your answer. I found the culprit. Pretty easy if you know!

    Open your Terminal and change the owner of your your folder /wp-content/uploads/ like follows:

    sudo chown -R _www /Library/WebServer/Documents/your_new_wordpress_site/wp-content/uploads

    or in your ~/Sites it would be:

    sudo chown -R _www /Users/your_user_name/Sites/your_new_wordpress_site/wp-content/uploads

    For Unix it would be an other owner: www-data

    Hope this helps some others. Needed two hours to find it (blushing!)


    Thread Starter marek_step


    Thank you tsure!

    This was very helpful!

    In five Minutes I resolved this problem doing the following, inspired by

    I looked into my apache config file, to check the group

    vim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

    In this file I searched for the keyword “group” and found:

    <IfModule unixd_module>
    User _www
    Group _www

    Then I changed into my wp-upload folder doing following commands in my shell:

    cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/wordpress
    sudo chown -R mstep:www uploads/

    First command:
    You need to change “wordpress”-folder to the name of your wordpress-folder-name

    Second command:
    you need to change mstep to your user name. Perhaps it is easier to make the following command like follows:

    sudo chgrp www uploads

    Thank you for your help again!


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