Marcos Monteiro
Forum Replies Created
The problem was with the link itself
Now NOSSAFMWEB is online in the plugin.
Thank you for your help
Merry Christmas …..Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Radio - Worldwide Online Radio Stations Directory for WordPress] popupCan you help me please?
This radio is my NOSSA FM audio channel
All these links below are from the same radio (NOSSA FM) but none of them work in your software, can see that they are all ONLINE and play perfectly, EXCEPT in your plugin ( )
Can you tell me what to do?
After the update everything started working again, I’m already loving the plugin again, that’s what you expect from the plugin
Congratulations to the support team who resolved everything quickly.
Disappointed with this plugin, before it worked perfectly, now it doesn’t play any radio, I’ve tried everything but the stations don’t play.
I changed the HTTP links to HTTPs and they still don’t work
Now, they want me to spend more money buying an add on for $29.99, with no guarantee that it will work.
I spent money, time, spread the site to many people and now I’m embarrassed because the radios don’t play.
Please update the software so that the stations get back up and running and stop blaming us.
Right now I feel cheated by the company.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Melhor Envio] Aten??o usuário do Plugin Melhor EnvioO erro ainda persiste no meu site
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Melhor Envio] Aten??o usuário do Plugin Melhor EnvioConcordo com você buccolo (@buccolo), deu a entender que o problema somos nós, quando na verdade dependemos que os desenvolvedores nos entreguem solu??es e n?o problemas.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Melhor Envio] Aten??o usuário do Plugin Melhor EnvioEntrei em contato com o site melhor envio e me disseram que enviaram a quest?o para o setor técnico e est?o trabalhando para solucionar o problema, mas acho estranho pois nenhum desenvolvedor do plugin se quer deu as caras aqui no fórum ao menos para dizer que est?o trabalhando nisso, acho que n?o est?o levando muito a sério nossas reclama??es, uma pena.
Outra coisa, em um dos e-mails trocados com o melhor envio me pediram para eu fornecer a senha de acesso do meu site, para eles poderem acessar as minhas configura??es, achei muito estranho pois nestes 8 anos de wordpress nunca nenhum desenvolvedor me pediu a senha do meu site, até por que o plugin estava funcionando perfeitamente, ou seja o problema á do plugin e n?o dos nossos sites.
Thank you for your help.The POP-UP and the radios started working again all this as it was before OK,
But I had translated the whole plug-in into Portuguese, now everything is in English.
Will it be that in all updates will I have to translate back to Portuguese?
Thank you.
Yes of course,
I disabled the Show Search Bar on the pages, but it keeps showing up.
You can also see that the POP-UP Player no longer appears, but it is enabled for “Auto Detect”
I would like to take the opportunity and ask a question.
I would like to change the URL of the site, I intend to register another domain, in this case I have to uninstall the plug-in from the current domain and install it on the new domain?
Thanks in advance.
In addition to not playing the radio anymore, the whole configuration was changed, it came back with the Show Search Bar which I had removed and the player even with the “Auto Detect” option does not appear, the Permalink Structure is also changed, even though I saved it on “Settings” panel the change is not applied. the style options were also changed, even changing and saving they are not applied, I have already cleared cache, disabled and reactivated the plug-in and nothing.
(@jdembowski) hello
The low rating was for this reason “After many attempts”, I was finally answered, it seems that now the basic functions of the plug-in are working, thanks
However, even sending me the updates, in my view of the consumer, the premium version of the plug-in did not improve radio reproduction in any way, and I will have to re-sign it again
Man atualizei woocommerce e segui suas recomenda??es , agora tudo funciona perfeitamente , só posso lhe dizer obrigado pela aten??o e pela ajuda .
Olá ,bom saber que n?o tem nada a ver com pagseguro , obrigado .
Mas , o plugin woocommerce correios esta ativado sim ” , acho que você acessou um produto esgotado por favor veja neste link ” ”
Bom dia Claudio Sanches. pode acessar e verá que mesmo finalizando a compra o valor do frete n?o é somado coisa que acontecia antes sem problemas , o link do meu site é ” ”
Apenas para informar , entrei em contato com pagseguro eles fizeram testes e garantem que a configura??o no servidor deles também está correta
Desde já muito obrigado pela aten??o .
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Claudio Sanches - Correios for WooCommerce] Problema ao calcular freteOk , desculpe mais uma vez é que o tópico estava aberto , estou abrindo um novo tópico para esta quest?o obrigado