18 years, 6 months ago
Any help for me ?
Thanks, i have seen you script, but work on wp 2.0.2 ?
How can i add to the funcion
if (is_home()) {
the other path like category/date ?
i would like do this:
if (is_home() and is_date() etc etc
what i do ?
I have found this:
It works good but duplicate the sticky post in the category
The link doesn’t work
how can i do this:
if is home and if is date and if is category echo etc etc
else echo etc etc
Moshu i love you…conditional code works good in my external page
thanks a lot
if you understand i would like use a different template page or show the wp_header with conditional code to differentiate some thing in my external page ??
Thanks Moshu, i’m happy to speak with you.
Sorry for my english but i don’t speak very well ??
it’s not a wordpress page…is it strange ?
Is not a page template…is in another subdirectoy of my site.
works good with a simple include ?
if i create my page
i can recall with
<?php get_newpage(); ?>
None ?
Nice hacks! is compatible with WordPress 2.0.2 ?
yes, i think you have sure, <?php wp_head(); ?> should be for plugins…
…postrating works good but i can’t see the useronline after i have moved <?php wp_head(); ?> in the index.php template