17 years, 10 months ago
Thanks! But which blog accept pingbacks ?
17 years, 11 months ago
i installed it but i don’t understand the functions of this plugin ? I think is good in a statistic program ??
yoshi is possible crop the thumbnail for a square thumbs with your plugin?
i don’t understand about your two smilies ??
I deleted strip_tags and html_entity_decode from desc item and now i see the correct HTML code in the description ??
I submitted two other question in your plugin’s support page
is possible not strips HTML tags in feed ? I tried to insert an ITEM with HTML code but your script delete all the tag ??
Adam there is a way to show this feed with your script ?
i don’t request any feature, i’d know if exist a plugin that just make this. I always search on google and on this forum before ask something, but i’m not perfect so something could be missing. Thanks
ehehehe i’m not a php programmer ??