Marco Floriano
Forum Replies Created
Thanks @jimmykhanh
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System] Language Update (pt_BR)Thanks a lot Alex, amazing job
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System] Version 9.0 breaks everythingIs it possible to roll back to the older version without losing data?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System] Be very carefulThe new update system broked my support page and customers are trying to sue me now … lol … anyway this plugins is amazing, only the last update system is not quite the thing. Having a lot of trouble, trying to roll back.
Getting the same problem here. After the step 3 i get the GMT message. When i try to access the site i get database error connection.
I will try to disable all plugins and make the backup again, but looks like a real bug to me guys.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Good plugin but should not be core“Change is hard”. It’s true. But i believe that when you have a better solution, changes tend to be easier and welcome. Thanks for the rep.
Same problem, same host provider … well, not feeling so lonely anymore lol
- This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Marco Floriano.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Server Health Stats] PHP shell_exec() function erorrForum: Reviews
In reply to: [TAO Schedule Update] Unfortunately wont work for meIt’s probably a problem at your website not in the plugin. 1 star .. not fair
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Boleto] Titulo Inexistente com Boleto Itaú@claudiosanches correta interpreta??o Claudio, já estamos providenciando o Shopline do Itaú por aqui. Obrigado!
Same problema here, was getting this at server logs:
[Wed Feb 15 07:58:57.643784 2017] [:warn] [pid 3921] [client] Timeout waiting for output from CGI script
Solved with you configuration tip
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Boleto] Titulo Inexistente com Boleto ItaúRespondendo à minha própria dúvida, o boleto sem registro irá mudar e n?o acabar. Será possível continuar emitindo os boletos normalmente com esse plugin porém o cliente só conseguirá pagar o boleto no banco emissor. Segundo a atendente do Itaú é por isso que ainda estamos recebendo alguns boletos aqui. Porém se pagarem num banco diferente daquele do boleto, o dinheiro ficará retido na agência para retirada.
Ent?o deduzo que o plugin continuará funcionando normalmente, mas os clientes ter?o que pagar no banco emissor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Boleto] Titulo Inexistente com Boleto ItaúSalve grande Claudio como vai?
Você comentou que n?o será mais possível gerar boletos do Itau por este plugin, uma vez que a partir de janeiro n?o vai mais ser possível gerar boletos sem registro.
Mas ele continuará gerando boletos para outros bancos? Pois parece que nenhum banco no Brasil vai mais gerar boleto sem registro (n?o apenas o Itaú). Neste caso o plugin vai ser descontinuado ou emitirá boletos com registros para os outros bancos?
Referências: abra?o
- This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Marco Floriano.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nelio AB Testing] Ajax error on dashbaord – windows installRight, added the exception. No changes. Even disabled the Wordfence … still getting this annoying error =(
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nelio AB Testing] Ajax error on dashbaord – windows installHi, getting the same error here (same screenshot as OP).
Did the Wordfence firewall thing, no success!
Opened a ticket at your site too.