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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloudy] Wrong animation on your website!Thanks, it works.
but it is a pity, the plugin is very nice and expecially for its animations, seriously you cannot fix your plugin scripts to make it work? Firefox is a very popular browser…Nothing to do, it was just my clerical error on this post, the shortcode is correct and the result is “there’s no events”…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloudy] Wrong animation on your website!Do you think a possibile solution is check browser type/version and disable css3 animation?
Lastest versions of all plugins…
I tried now to add the shortcode as wrote in the documentation
echo do_shortcode('[events_list limit="3" location"56" ]#_EVENTNAME <br/>[/events_list]');
but when i try to add location parameter with the id of the location, it returns an empty list (no events for this location), insted it returns all events of all locations.I want to clarify that the shortcode is into the template single location and i’m sure the events that i want to display have been associated with this location ( in the example, 56 ) .
What am I doing wrong ?
It may be that there are problems concerning the WPML multilanguage plugin ? I still installed the Events Manager and WPML Compatibility plugin and so far I have not had problems with it.Thanks for your help.
thanks for your reply, but i need to get it from custom query for custom formatting needs.
I do not exclude that it would be possible to do it with the shortcode, I can give it a try, in the meantime you could post an example ?this is my approach, but it doesn’t work, return empty list
<ul> <?php new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'event', 'showposts' => 1, 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => '_location_id', 'value' => '56' ) ) )); $related_evts = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'event', 'orderby'=>'event_start_date', 'location'=>56 // todo: non funzia il by location. ) ); while ($related_evts->have_posts()) : $related_evts->the_post(); $ID = get_the_ID(); $evts = EM_Events::get( array( 'scope'=>'future', 'post_id' => $ID, 'limit'=>3, 'format'=>'#_{D d M Y} #_NAME #_NOTES etc', 'orderby'=>'#_12HSTARTTIME' ) ); foreach ($evts as $evt) : ?> <a href="<?=get_the_permalink(); ?>"> <li> <div class="image"><?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail($id, 'home-box'); ?></div> <h4><? $categories = $evt->get_categories()->categories; foreach ($categories as $category) : echo "·".$category->name." "; endforeach; ?> </h4> <h3><?=$id_location?><?php the_title(); ?></h3> <h4><?php em_events( array( 'post_id' => $ID, 'format' => '#j #F #Y #@_{j F Y}') ); ?></h4> </li> </a> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endwhile; ?> </ul>
ops, thanks ??
Hei Tom, great filter, thanks but… how i can give a name (or rename) newest slider?
Auth issue solved leaving not the callback URL field blank.