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  • Thread Starter marciano1


    I also deleted JSON-LD, it is included in the core and installed OPM.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter marciano1


    Okay, thanks JS.
    Is it possible to display like count for each post like that plugin did?

    I got the same error from phpMailer.
    It was working correctly for several months.
    This fixed the issue

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by marciano1.
    Thread Starter marciano1


    Great, thanks. Now FB and twitter display good previews.
    I had to install an image regenerator plugin.

    1) Anyway I see “Warnings that should be fixed” at Facebook Object developer webpage. Would you please take a look at that?

    2) Editing the post in the Head section of Document SSO I see in red article:author content is empty. How can I fill that?

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter marciano1


    Thanks JS for your answers.

    I installed and activated your image plugin to unsharp mask photos.

    What I don’t understand is about og image size. I don’t set that sizes.
    Plain html: <img src .... width="1280" height="853"...> for one of the images (also the featured one).
    I guess the twenty twelve (child) theme I am using reduces the output of them. If so I don’t know how to handle og image sizes.
    Twitter card preview still displays a blurry 386×202 image, smaller than 600×315.
    wp-content/uploads contains 13 variant sizes/ratios and cropped image files.


    Thread Starter marciano1


    Fancy Facebook Comments and WPSSO SSB and RRSSB plugins

    Thread Starter marciano1


    That’s what wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/index.php suggest before get_template_part()

    * Include the Post-Format-specific template for the content.
    * If you want to override this in a child theme, then include a file
    * called content-___.php (where ___ is the Post Format name) and that will be used instead.

    That’s what I don’t understand.

    I already have a child wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen-child/template-parts/post/content.php

    If I change main twentyseventeen/index.php it can be overwritten by an update so I copy it to twentyseventeen-child/
    I don’t have to make that path change -and comment the original line because the relative path remains okay (sub-dirs are the same)
    So I guess that’s it.

    Thread Starter marciano1


    @tobifjellner I have access to tailf /path-to-error_log/ Nothing for today.
    .mo and .po are updated everytime because I see their dates changing

    @jsmoriss The last one was an isolated mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP warning: copy(/pat-to-child/header.php~backup-xxx-xxx): Permission denied in /path-to-plugins/wpsso/lib/admin.php on line 3277, referer: https://…/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpsso-tools

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by marciano1.
    Thread Starter marciano1


    @jsmoriss I already have installed that plugin but before added another language I only had the “Locale” option I mentioned.
    Now I have Default Locale and Spanish. Good plugin, thanks.
    BTW, I posted a question yesterday about social plugins. Would you please take a look at it? Thanks.

    Thread Starter marciano1


    And there are some not translated words. I have to contact Tr Team.

    1. The post’s author “… by John Doe” in Spanish is “…por John Doe”
    2. Search box default word “Search” should be “Buscar”

    Thread Starter marciano1


    That article starts pointing to Dashboard/Admin area language.
    I prefer it in English, I have lot of resources in native English language.
    I have another WP website built in 2014 (Admin -> English; Website -> Spanish)

    Anyway language installations cover both sides.

    At 4. Manual Installation (as I said before I don’t have the option to install a language from Dashboard) there’s a link to Translator’s Team and then another link where I downloaded Language pack 5.1 folder containing several files, many *.json and those I see in this picture
    I have to point out that my original 5 min. WP installation did not contain wp-content/languages directory.
    I’m struck by the fact that in this picture there are two dirs plugins and themes directories I obviously don’t have.
    I guess it is because of WP versions.

    I created wp-content/languages and uploaded 19 files from the language pack.
    Now I am able to change Dashboard language per admin user.
    After updating plugins three pair of twenty*-es_ES.*o were created in wp-content/themes/ (my theme is <em<‘seventeen)

    After Settings -> change language to Spanish
    <html lang=”es”….
    og:locale -> es_ES

    Anyway I found a new minor issue:
    There’s 1 new update available: Translations
    Despite I perform Update Translations and a large list of updates (plugins included) is performed, at the end still “There are new translations available”.
    Same updates are performed each time I press the button.
    How to fix that apart not pushing again that button :=)?

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by marciano1.
    Thread Starter marciano1


    We wrote at the same time in last posts!

    WPSSO Core plugin is who sets og locale as es_LA
    I guess it takes that from WP settings “Default Locale”
    I cannot modify that from WPSSO.
    Also take a look at
    LA = Latin America
    That’s why es_ES is enough for me.

    Also want to change <html lang=”en-US”

    Did you read my previous post about the directory/folder to manually install languages?

    Health check – Status does not show nothing relevant

    Thread Starter marciano1


    /wp-admin/update-core.php is the same as Dashboard->Updates. It doesn’t show anything about languages, only “Check again” and “Reinstall now” buttons, “Your plugins are all up to date.” and “Your themes are all up to date.”.

    This a 2 weeks ago installation (5.0.3). Then upgrade to 5.1

    I already had performed the manual installation where I got into those problems I described (downloaded from that page, unzipped and uploaded to a new directory ‘wp-content/languages’
    From codex.wp On your site server, create a new folder in your /wp-content directory called /languages.

    Yo say /wp-content/languages/themes/
    That’s not clear for me.

    I don’t have options nowhere (Settings -> Site Language only displays English)

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by marciano1.
    Thread Starter marciano1


    Hi Yui,

    I had done that because I don’t have such Update translations button.
    At top bar I only have Default Locale

    Thread Starter marciano1


    I found what happened. It happens again today. Apart of changing some scripts in a child theme I changed Default Locale to twentyseventeen-es_ES.
    Despite I went back to Default Locale nothing changed until I replaced the database by the last backup (from last midnight) and all went normal.
    twentyseventeen-es_ES never worked, I installed both files in a new ‘languages’ directory . (which I am going to delete)

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