Sure enough, I did it again. Ipstenu, I respect your comment. Now, I don’t know where you got the statistic that ‘…most people want to publish right away…’ as it contradicts everything my journalist friends have said. It is much better to proof your writing in a different environment. Your comment is bang on for twitter, however.
What I have proposed fits in the realm of the popular ‘are you sure’ message we see in the software world. I do see it as an option in the settings. So, I’m still pushing for it.
From a usability point of view, the ‘publish’ button is not presented as an equal to draft, which it should. This is where the problem exists because upon quick and unreading viewing, the publish button stands out and screams attention. If it were equal in weight, then it encourages reading.
Feedback from a few usability experts are what we need to end this discussion.