Forum Replies Created
Hi there,
I just saw that the latest update (3.3.7) shows the links in caption in the lightboxes of the galleries. Thank you very much!
On the other hand I still have the behaviour that the images that have links as caption in the gallery, shows double when opening the gallery in lightbox. Can you confirm me if this is something that is happening?
Kind regards,
MarinaHi Michael,
Thank you very much for the update, I understand the development timing.
I remain on standby.
Kind regards,
Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Thanks for passing it on to the development team, I hope they find it useful and approve its inclusion.
My problem is precisely because when I put a link in the image caption the slide comes out double in the carousel in full screen, if there is any way to solve it.
[Issue]?In the thumbnail carousel the images are displayed correctly and the link is visible at the bottom of the image. However when I click to view it?in lightbox: the linked captions lose the link and only the text is displayed. Also,?images that have links as captions are duplicated?in the lightbox carousel.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Carousel Slider Block for Gutenberg] Size of arrowsHello! I had the same doubt and I have resolved it with:
.slick-next:before, .slick-prev:before { font-size: 22px; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Translate image inside sagThanks, in my case I don’t use Elementor. And although my image is in the media library, I don’t insert it from any Gutenberg block, but through the HTML code that I wrote above, since I need to “draw” about it and apply links, a kind of image map but different, since I need to “draw” on top of the image and apply links, a kind of image map but different. I don’t use the tag <img>, I use tag <svg> and inside it <image>.
Thank you for your recommendations. I am having doubts for the change of some links that I have added by code, but first I want to study the documentation well. If I can’t do it, I’ll consult you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Translate image inside sagHi again,
Sorry for my mistake in the title, word “sag” is SVG.
I found in the documentation how to operate with shortcodes and I think that for now it will be the solution that I am going to apply. I write it here in case it is useful to someone else:
[trp_language language=”en_US”]
<?img src=“URL_to_image.extension“ />
If there is any other better option, please tell me, meanwhile I leave the thread closed as resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Some Cron ProblemsHello,
Same error with WordPress 6.3.1, any update? Is there any solution planned?
P.D. Thanks @vargau.
Hello Bill,
Thank you, I will check it.
We just made a new development and correct warnings. As a suggestion, it would be very useful if there is any option to hide it from the top bar (on our site, there are users with admin rol, but who do not carry out all maintenance tasks and this is a bit invasive to them, for developers it is a good utility).
Best regards,
Marina.Hi Bill,
I did it! I have a request for you, please. I see that if there are no errors in error_log after two days, that tab is not shown in the site health section, however in the top bar the red “Site Health Issues” button continues to appear, it would be possible that it would also disappear, just like which tab? Or that the plugin has a configuration section where you can activate/deactivate that option being displayed (if there is already one, my apologies, I have not found it).
Kinds regards,
MarThank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Views Counter] Question: Video Views?Hello,
In the plugin configuration we have the “Attachment” box activated in the “General” tab and also in the “Display” tab.
But we don’t have attachment pages active. Videos are inserted into articles using Gutenberg editor via the file URL. So right now I don’t see that media information.
In this case, I’m talking about video plays, not just views, and I’d like to be able to get that video view information somewhere, even if it’s not visible to the public.
I hope I have explained myself well, excuse my English, if you have any questions please ask me.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Here is the reply of Insert Page developer:
I tested inserting a page that had Kadence blocks and they rendered fine. So the issue must be somewhere else with how you are rendering your popup.
Maybe try instantiating the Kadence Block class before calling
, which may trigger all of the style/script enqueues?
Paul Ryan?Kadence_Blocks_Frontend::get_instance();
I also think it has to be something that I am not doing well when showing popup. One last question: can I make a call to
in some way to render block o collect functions and styles?Thank you very much,
MarForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Insert Pages] Insert page and Kadence BlocksHi,
Yes, the problem must come from the way I show the popup, somewhere I’m not doing the right thing.
Thanks for your answer, I’ll try to find how to apply it.
Best regards,
MarHi Ben,
Thank you very much for your answer and your time. I know that adding links to CSS and JS files is not the right way, but I am still investigating how to do. I’m also looking for information about how to make the core “render_block” function runs on my content.
To insert one page in another (specifically in a popup), I’m using the Plugin “Insert Pages” with the ID of the page that I need to show. I will write the support of this plugin to see if I am doing something incorrect.
The call to shorcode “insert page” is done from my theme file php on the functions.php with this code:
//Reference: add_action( "wp_ajax_my_action", "my_action" ) function my_action() { if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'wp_rest')) { $id = url_to_postid($_POST['id']); $links = ''; $scripts = ''; if(has_block('kadence/iconlist', $id)) { $links .= '<link rel="stylesheet" id="kadence-blocks-iconlist-css" href="' . KADENCE_BLOCKS_URL . 'dist/style-blocks-iconlist.css?ver=' . KADENCE_BLOCKS_VERSION . '" media="all">'; } $array_of_vals = array( "content" => do_shortcode("[insert page='" . $id . "' display='content']") , "id" => $id, "scripts" => $scripts, "links" => $links ); wp_send_json($array_of_vals); exit; } else { echo 'Check failed · Nonce'; exit; } }
And call the function with jQuery, to add the html content in popup:
var modalContent=$("#modal-content-popup"); $.ajax( { method : 'POST', dataType : 'json', url : my_var.ajaxurl, data : { id: post_link, _wpnonce : my_var.nonce, action : 'my_action' } }) .done( function(data) { modalContent.html(data.content); modalContent.append(data.links); modalContent.append(data.scripts); } );
Recently I have discovered how to modify content of a block although I don’t know if I can do something in this way:
add_filter( 'render_block_kadence/iconlist', 'render_iconlist_kadence', 10, 2 ); function render_iconlist_kadence( $block_content, $block) { return $block_content; //I return it without changes }
Kind regards,