Forum Replies Created
Hi @pakistano,
This is not a bug. UM doesn’t allow you to add fields in login form. I am guessing you want to add this field as a validation for bot registration. You can use the Recaptcha extension for this purpose. Hope this helps.
Hi @jacktsewest,
This feature isn’t available in UM as this will be not useful. If you allow user to select Null Options ( means no users saved this value yet ), you will not get any user is the search result certainly. So basically you are increasing not useful options in directory, increasing page loading speed and reducing the member directory search speed + efficiency. So UM only shows the options that has at least one user saved. Hope it’s clear.
If you still want to force to show all the values, please create a test user from Users menu inside your dashboard and save all those null values in that test users profile. Now login as that test user and in his account page choose to not show him in directory, make his profile private etc. Then the null options will show up in directory filter since one user ( this test user) saved those options, but this test user won’t be visible to directory or outside because of the account settings applied. Hope this trick is clear.
Hi @ketandebroy,
No, default is 10 posts. You can change that to anything by adding following code in your child theme’s functions.php ( change 500 to any number )
add_filter( 'um_profile_query_make_posts', 'my_profile_query_make_posts', 10, 1 ); function my_profile_query_make_posts( $query_posts ) { $query_posts['posts_per_page'] = 500; //Change this return $query_posts; }
- This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by mansurahamed.
Hi @mauriciodedo,
This might be because of any settings you applied in your password field. Try deleting you current password field from the registration form and re-add the default predefined password field ( Don’t make any change ). See if that works.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by mansurahamed.
Hi @jvdhelder,
You can create a custom text field and use that for users to save their birthdate. You can add this same field in the profile form too to show the same value saved. It’s not possible to recreate or change type of any predefined field ( like birthdate ), but you can use own custom field to replace that. Hope it’s clear.
Hi @erfankaviyani,
Could you please provide screenshot to make it more clear ( what page you want to edit )? UM allows you to edit the user profile page using Drag/Drop form builder. But it’s not possible to use the form builder for account page right now. Ultimate Member doesn’t have any pro version. There are pro extensions which allows you to add more features in this same free plugin. Hope it’s clear.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by mansurahamed.
Hi @leonieherma1,
Since username is a sophisticated value, we don’t have any shortcode to show username. But this can be done easily by writing your custom shortcode. If you could provide the screenshot of the page and place where you want to show it ( in UM User/ Profile page? ), we could help you with the custom function.
Hi @uzaifrizmi,
For security reasons the role fields are limited to UM custom roles only. Go to Ultimate Member->User Roles, inside your dashboard & check if the roles you are mentioning UM custom role or not. If not, they won’t show up. You can recreate those roles as UM custom roles from there and then Delete the role field from your UM form and re-add again which should automatically show up the newly created roles. Hope it’s clear.
Hi @mythol1,
This may be because of a plugin/theme conflict. Can you do a conflict test and see if the issue goes away? This doc explains how to do a conflict test if you are not sure: How to do a plugin/theme conflict test?
You can also try excluding your registration page from any caching plugin or server-side cache you are using if any.
Hi @ctcns,
Probably because of custom css you are using. Follow this structure like default UM forms
<div class="um-col-alt"> <div class="um-left um-half"> <input type="submit" value="Register" class="um-button" id="um-submit-btn" /> </div> <div class="um-right um-half"> <a href="https://localhost/wp/login/" class="um-button um-alt">Login</a> </div> <div class="um-clear"></div> </div>
Hi @pave1,
It’s not possible to override core plugin files. You can only override template files. See this documentation for more information regarding this.
Hi @garagesteve1155,
You can use a plugin like this to add this code in your register page. There might be other similar plugins available which lets you add js code in specific page. Go to Pages->Registration->Edit, inside dashboard & add the code there.
Hi @fliwatt,
Add following code in your child theme’s functions.php file which should do the trick. Replace all instances of custom_field_metakey with your actual text fields metakey & change ‘Wrong value provided’ error message to anything you want. Change the String “hope” to your actual string to check.
function um_custom_validate_customfield( $args ) { if ( isset( $args['custom_field_metakey'] ) ) { $mystring = "hope"; if ( strcasecmp($args['custom_field_metakey'],$mystring) != 0) { $message = sprintf( __( 'Wrong value provided', 'ultimate-member' ), $domain ); UM()->form()->add_error( 'custom_field_metakey', $message ); } } } add_action( 'um_submit_form_errors_hook__registration', 'um_custom_validate_customfield', 99 );
Hi @renzocomarts,
No, We don’t have any setting to do that right now. You can use custom code to change the links based on the page loaded.
Hi @pr0metheus,
After choosing the remove data option, deactivate and also delete UM from your plugins menu inside dashboard. That should delete the default UM pages. Please follow this step again if that didn’t work for you. Should be fine then.