Forum Replies Created
Hi @newance ,
Have you tried adding target=”_blank” attribute to your html link? Add this will open the link in new tab.
Thank you.
Hi @monaabdelkader,
You can add those fields in the profile form, Ultimate Member->Forms->Default Profile Form( Edit) inside dashboard. Users will be able to update them in profile page then. If you want to add extra fields in the account page, you need to write your custom codes for that. Here is an example</a
Thank you.
Hi @jellidomora,
This may be because of a plugin/theme conflict. Can you do a conflict test and see if the issue goes away? This doc explains how to do a conflict test if you are not sure: How to do a plugin/theme conflict test?
Thank you.
Hi @gitmsadmin,
UM default settings redirect user to their profile after successful registration or login. Are you using UM login & registration forms for login & registration process? Please make sure you configured the right user role. For example , if your default user role is “member” , configure “Redirect to profile” for “Login options” in Member role edit page.
Thank you.
Hi @icommllc,
UM doesn’t have any feature for that. You need to use a tracking/analytics plugin for this purpose.
Thank you.
Hi @trobig,
Here are the shortcodes
Account page -> [ultimatemember_account]
Password Reset Page -> [ultimatemember_password]
User Page-> Use your profile form shortcode (Please Create one).
Members -> Use your member directory shortcode from Ultimate Member->Member Directory in dashboard.
For Login & register page use the default Login & registration form shortcode.
Logout page doesn’t need any shortcode , just assign the page. Hope this helps.
Please assign the correct pages in UM settings , You can create forms for your user page and registration page form Ultimate Member->Forms inside the dashboard.
Thank you.
Hi @yach ,
Both wordpress & UM doesn’t support other language in username or profile url. This might be the reason causing your issue.
Thank you.
Hi @giochaitas ,
Do you write your password yourself or the browser autofill the password field when this occurs? If its happens when the password field is autofilled , this could be a browser bug.
If you write your password yourself, this may be because of a plugin/theme conflict. Can you do a conflict test and see if the issue goes away? This doc explains how to do a conflict test if you are not sure: How to do a plugin/theme conflict test?
Thank you.
Hi @jim21slim,
Please submit a support ticket via our website as we are only allowed to provide support on this forum for the free plugin hosted on the website.
Submitting a ticket via our website will guarantee a much faster response as we only answer questions on this forum after we have taken care of our paying customers.
To submit a ticket, please login to our website using the email used on checkout and go to this page:
Hi @k2881q ,
Sorry, that solution only works for previous versions. UM 2.0 doesn’t have that section. Please contact The Events Calendar plugin author about this issue. We will have a look at in future updates.
Thank you.
Hi @k2881q,
Could you please go to Ultimate Member->Settings->Page Setup inside your dashboard , then click the “Reset Section” button , set the correct um pages again and save settings.
See if this solves your 404 profile links links.Thanks.
Hi @mkstebbins,
You had some errors in code. Please try this,
`add_filter(‘um_profile_tabs’, ‘add_custom_profile_tab’, 1000 );
function add_custom_profile_tab( $tabs ) {
$tabs[‘certification_status’] = array(
‘name’ => ‘Certification Status’,
‘icon’ => ‘um-faicon-comments’,
‘custom’ => true,
return $tabs;
}/* Then add content to that tab */
function um_profile_content_certification_status_default( $args ) {
echo ‘Hello Certification Status!’;
}’Thank you.
Hi @gizmorattler ,
Here are the shortcodes
Account page -> [ultimatemember_account]
Password Reset Page -> [ultimatemember_password]
User Page-> Use your default profile form shortcode.
Members -> Use your member directory shortcode from Ultimate Member->Member Directory in dashboard.
For Login & register page use the default Login & registration form shortcode.
Logout page doesn’t need any shortcode , just assign the page. Hope this helps.
Thank you.
Hi @mkstebbins ,
Could you please share your code? It works for other names for sure. I must have a look at your code to see why it’s not working.