Forum Replies Created
Hi @tanino11,
This thread has been inactive for a while. We are going to mark it as Resolved for now, please feel free to re-open the thread if you have any questions.
Hi @manuelschoettle,
This thread has been inactive for a while. We are going to mark it as Resolved for now, please feel free to re-open the thread if you have any questions.
Hi @megavip1,
This thread has been inactive for a while. We are going to mark it as Resolved for now, please feel free to re-open the thread if you have any questions.
Hi @segamaze,
This thread has been inactive for a while. We are going to mark it as Resolved for now, please feel free to re-open the thread if you have any questions.
Hi @vivibosslink,
This thread has been inactive for a while. We are going to mark it as Resolved for now, please feel free to re-open the thread if you have any questions.
Hi @anish12345,
This should work to change the required status names in the Users menu
add_filter( 'um_user_permissions_filter', 'my_custom_user_permissions', 10, 2 ); function my_custom_user_permissions( $permissions, $user_id ) { if(isset($permissions['account_status_name'])){ if($permissions['account_status_name'] == 'Membership Inactive') $permissions['account_status_name'] = 'Account Suspended'; else if($permissions['account_status_name'] == 'Membership Rejected') $permissions['account_status_name'] = 'Account Rejected'; else if($permissions['account_status_name'] == 'Approved') $permissions['account_status_name'] = 'Account Active'; } return $permissions; }
Hi @manuelschoettle ,
We don’t have any feature to add custom fields in Account page yet or customize this form visually. But it can be done with custom coding. Follow this tutorial, which might help. Custom Field in Account
Hi @megavip1,
Did you mean sort users in Member Directory? No, Ultimate Member doesn’t have any such feature right now.
The reason you are not finding it because this error message isn’t generated by Ultimate Member. It’s probably generated by another plugin, could be any security plugin to be specific. Look at any of these plugin like wordfence your are using and see if you can find this text there.
Hi @manuelschoettle,
Both user and admin can change these data in the User profile page. Follow this documentation which explains all UM core pages. . You can just duplicate your registration form from Ultimate Member->Forms, inside your dashboard. Then edit this form and just change this form time from “Registration Form” to “Profile Form” .
Now use this form shortcode in your user page, then user will be able to just edit their profile and update these values. As an admin you can view or edit any user profile too. Go to Users menu inside your dashboard and under each user icon, there is link “view profile” . Click on it to view it, to edit the values ; click on the gear icon at right side ->Edit profile. That’s it!
Hi @tanino11,
You should ask this question in wcfm marketplace plugin support form. I am assuming you are using woocommerce standard billing info metakeys. UM just updates the meta value in the usermeta table. Other plugin should be able to fetch the fields as any woocommerce fields if the metakeys are correct.
Hi @anish12345,
Change previous snippet to this, should be fine now
add_filter('um_admin_views_users',function($views){ if ( isset( $_REQUEST['um_status'] ) && sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['um_status'] ) === 'inactive' ) { $current = 'class="current"'; } else $current = ''; $views['inactive'] = '<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'users.php' ) ). '?um_status=inactive" ' . $current . '>'.__( 'Suspended', 'ultimate-member' ).' <span class="count">(' . UM()->query()->count_users_by_status( 'inactive' ) . ')</span></a>'; unset($views['awaiting_admin_review']); unset($views['awaiting_email_confirmation']); return $views; });
hi @anish12345 ,
Add following code in your child theme’s functions.php file and see if that works
add_filter('um_admin_views_users',function($views){ $views['inactive'] = '<a href="' . esc_url( admin_url( 'users.php' ) ). '?um_status=inactive">'.__( 'Suspended', 'ultimate-member' ).' <span class="count">(' . UM()->query()->count_users_by_status( 'inactive' ) . ')</span></a>'; unset($views['awaiting_admin_review']); unset($views['awaiting_email_confirmation']); return $views; });