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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: User level editingWhat version of wordpress are you using?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: new plugin: multiple random imagesIf you guys want to display random multiple images without any duplicates, it’s not that complicated to code.
First get your list of images. That can be as simple as reading in the contents of a dir to an array. Then randomly sort the array. Then write the links out using $image[0], $image[1] etc. for wherever you wan them through your page. You guys sound like you know enough php to look up the various functions, but if you feel you need help figuring that out, speak up.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: I really want a WordPress invitation…want a blog, get a blog. is that special? beats me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Alternate full text RSS feeds?I tried that out. The only thing is it’s necessary to leave off the first “/” in the rewrite destination, as in:
RewriteRule ^rss2/fulltext/?$ wp-rss2-fulltext.php [QSA,L]
RewriteBase should be specified near the top. Change that if your blog moves to another dir.
One thing I’m wondering is if a new wordpress upgrade will override the .htaccess file/
I would like to see this effect as a plugin. I’ve only written one plugin so far, and am not sure how this would be done. Is there a hook for the rss feed? Perhaps one could change the value of rss_use_excerpt based on a get parameter.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Import Greymatter To WordPress IssueThe thing is, you need find where the data files are. they look like 00000001.cgi and 00000001.html. figure out the path to that place, and there ya are.
also, if you’re running 1.5, the script is broken for most. the safest thing is to install 1.2, import greymatter, then upgrade to 1.5. as per this info >
if you’re on linux, enter this command:
locate 00000001.cgi
that should tell you the path you need
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Import Greymatter To WordPress IssueThat path doesn’t exist on the server, just like it says. I tried accessing. nada.
try this one:
that one gives a little action
And are you using 1.5 of wordpress? you might want to read this.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Free HostingThey aren’t taking any signups right now. You’ll find that out if you hit his signup link. But he gives two links to other free wordpress blogs. (But who knows if they are accepting right now either).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Modifying WP into a unique CMSsomething you could do it write your template as you want, and have it suck the content out of wordpress through rss. I’ve been working on something like that myself.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: can’t get $user_ID in pluginok, I threw my tasks into a function, and have it called with an admin_head action. I had to global http_post_files which I use, but not _post, which I also use. Anyway, I now get $user_ID. I called it with the admin_head since later on the page, I actually display the image the script just uploaded. Using admin_head makes sure it’s been uploaded before the html is generated. (this probably doesn’t matter, but in case we have fast connections, well, I’m being anal ?? ). Anyway, everything works. Thanks for you guidance. Time to clean up some code and maybe publish it.
btw, it’s called headshot, and is a simple single image handler for author’s mug shots. (maybe a better name is mugshot, hmmm…) ‘Authors can easily upload their own headshot. Two sizes are accessible by passing icon or large to the function. put <?php headshot(); ?> in the loop, and it generates the html to display the image. That’s the short description. It has some other frills too. I created this because I’m building a site that will have many many authors, and i needed a way for them to upload their own image in a managed way. I couldn’t find anything that did this as I wanted.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Need help finding a pluginI want to write something that will put a contact form on the author.php. Look at the profile, see the contact form. I think for security, maybe only registered users should be able to use it. Thoughts?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog urls with ~ ?I just viewed your site. It looks fine. Did you resolve this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: can’t get $user_ID in pluginThanks for that info. I was actually beginning to suspect that. I came up with an insecure work around by passing from a http post, as $user_ID was available in the hook where I had my html form. (The receiving code from the http post is unhooked, as it does stuff that is ultimately independent from wordpress. It just stores a file, but wants the user_ID to create the filename.)
I’m not sure how to put the code in a hook in this case. I’m thinking it would be a filter hook as opposed to an action hook? Well, like I said, I’m just figuring this wordpress out for the first time. Once I figure this out, I’ll clean up my code and post the plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: need very big help with menu links!Which menu are you talking about?
If it’s links for example, this page explains how you can call the link list and orderby when it the items were updated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: multi-user contact form?Here’s what I’d like for this.
As a point of privacy, I don’t want anyone’s email to show anywhere on the site. I’m using wordpress for a high school reunion website (, and wish to encourage as much membership as possible by protecting the confidentiality of users email. But I would like to let visitors send them an email through a contact form.
I already have an authors.php that shows a page for a user when you click on their nickname at the bottom of their post. The authors.php page shows their profile info and a list of their posts. I’d like to add a contact form on that page as well. I know I could cobble something up in php as a stand alone thing, but I am really unfamiliar with wordpress (and arrays give me a headache! ?? How big a deal would it be to take a user id parameter and send the email to that user in your wp-contact form plugin?
I was also thinking that maybe only registered users could be allowed to use the email form as a spam control.