Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: using wordpress as portfolio cmsThere’s more than one way it could be done. Does it matter which way he used? Myself, I could probably just use the post ID, or some other post specific value and upload the thumbnail under that name. I could easily link the loop by post ID.
Or I might write some php that will read the post, find the first image, generate a thumbnail, cache it, and display it. If it doesn’t find an image, I’d have it not display the item at all.
I’m sure I could think of other ways too. It’s a matter of how you would want it to work.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Enable Sending referrers ProblemNorton Internet Security 2004 was the problem for me just recently. I had turned my firewall off, and still had the problem. For kicks, I went through NIS and added my site every option. Problem went away. yeah, I know, that doesn’t make sense.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: high traffic crashing usmagazine.comI tried to say more or less the same thing earlier carbontwelve, but you’ve outlined it better. Trying to shoehorn a large and busy commercial site into a VPS is a challenge at best. I’m sure it could be somewhat improved with the various performance enhancements discussed, but it’s still a bus trying to be a beamer. He wouldn’t need a monster server, but I’d still recommend he get the best his budget allowed. Unless he doesn’t expect to grow in populatity.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: high traffic crashing usmagazine.comI guess since you’re moving to MT, it doesn’t matter, but I thought I’d give you some feedback anyway.
I’m not getting the first page from the cache. I entered and let it do it’s thing. These two were done about 30 seconds apart. This is what was at the bottom of the html for each.
<!– Dynamic Page Served (once) in 15.743 seconds –>
<!– Dynamic Page Served (once) in 15.032 seconds –>No mention of the Cached page, and the times are different.
And after typing the above, I went back. Still no cache, but somewhat faster:
<!– Dynamic Page Served (once) in 4.358 seconds –>
good luck in wherever you end up.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Register to comment, not to postI think it’s pretty fair to let them enter the admin so they can change their password. They can’t do much else in there if they’re the lowest user level by default. Doesn’t that meet your needs dss?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: high traffic crashing usmagazine.comI shouldn’t have posted the link to the 1000/month server. I wasn’t suggesting you get that server, but was trying to make the point that if you want to be a safe, get the best decicated server you can afford. The next time you get a burst of activity, will your optimizations handle it? When you can answer that question with confidence, stop where you are. You’re not trying to handle your average traffic, you’re trying to handle your bursts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: high traffic crashing usmagazine.comIn the very least, get yourself a dedicated server. Get the fastest one you can, with tons of ram. A site like that needs it. And make sure it’s in a fast data centre with big pipes to the internet backbone. And don’t put email on the same server. You might be alright with that.
If you can spend the money, considering something like this > Please note I’m not recommending ev1 necessarily, please shop around, I just provided a link for information on what a high end server might feature. If the budget can’t afford that, get the best with the money available.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I need code to stay on everypage! and other thingsthe files you need to edit are in your theme. look in wordpress/wp-content/themes/default (or change default to whatever theme you are using).
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: CHMOD 666? Where and how?if you can login via ssh, to a command line, you type “chmod 666 filename”
Or, if you upload your file with a ftp, scp, or sftp program, there should be a place where you can select a file, and then change it’s permissions. 666 equals 110 110 110 in binary, and correspond to read/write/execute for three users, owner first, then group, then anyone. basically, you want to turn on read and write for everyone.
that probably wasn’t clear. I’m quite tired right now. I hope you understood.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post using only htmlI’ve been looking for a way to turn off the visual editor on an individual post of page. I have one post that has a bit of javascript that breaks every time the visual editor displays it. Has anyone written a plug in to do that? Could anyone point me to a solution? I’m otherwise quite happy with the visual editor. If I can control it on a post by post basis, I’ll as happy as ants in a bowl of jam.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Bahia Street — Unique WordPress Install (mostly as CMS)I really like your design. Would you consider releasing a version of this to the public? Change the colours and graphics perhaps.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: how to have wordpress without a theme ?!I made a zen theme (my name for an empty theme), which is basically just, well, nothing. It looks like this:
Then I just you php code on my real page to pull in the pieces I want. It looks like this:
I created my theme by taking the default, and removing almost everything except the key bits.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Image uploading Safe modejust some fyi here. wordpress is creating year and month directories with the apache user as owner and group. it should be creating them for the normal account user. (just ssh in and see what the other files have for ownership). even with permission of 777, if the folder is set to the apache user, safe mode will not let you copy the file into it. This is why creating the year and month structure yourself will work in this event.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Forum ModerationDgold. You raise a good point actually. I’d like to see this forum have a snippet system for long code blocks. See a snippet, click to read it all. is a great alternative, but I’d prefer to see something built right into this forum. I wonder if that might be developed at some point?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I add a digital pic to blog?Moshu, I didn’t say 1.5.2 is insecure. Should an exploit be found, being current will be the easiest and quickest way to make the necessary update. I therefore recommend upgrading to the newest version for security reasons.