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  • Yes, it means that.

    You can set what level new users are automatically assigned. Make sure it’s set for ‘Contributor’. Test a user at that level, but as I recall, their posts need to be approved/published before they show up.

    You can have a registered user be a contributor, meaning the joke they submit needs to be approved before it becomes visible. You’re not leaving the door open the whole way.

    The old theme viewer linked to the theme by it’s number, and that number changed as new themes were updated. I’d suggest that the new theme viewer not use such a scheme, but rather that it link using non changing data, perhaps the name.

    I bet you guys already thought of that!

    A few years ago I began managing my own servers for reasons just like this. I was quite frustrated with the problems I had when relying on someone else for support, even when they had the best of intentions. I finally had some relief when I took on the server management for the sites I design.

    and btw, wordpress doesn’t cause a blip on my servers. (no, not as busy as yours) But I’ll tell you what does. Mail. With all the filtering and processing you now need to email, my server load picks up because of it. I’d ask your IT dudes if email is being processed on this server. And if true, I ask they stop doing that.

    I may look at that code and see if it can modified to do this for my 4 different categories. Perhaps you posting that link just saved me some work.

    You seem afraid of widgets! ??

    How would you need to change your theme to work with widgets? Are using non-standard coding for your sidebar lists (i.e. not ul and li)? Using widgets really only needs a minor addition to your theme code.

    But if you don’t want to use widgets, I’m sure you can do it without them. Just google for any old php based rss scripts. It would go where you want in your sidebar, and really run independently of your WP.

    What do you see as the problem with widgets? I wasn’t aware there was a divided acceptance. I don’t see a risk of a “continental divide”. It does represent a minor template modification in order to use them, but it truly is minor. If you need assistance with that, I and others would be glad to provide you with some. Perhaps you’re under the impression that making your theme widget compatible is a difficult task.

    I think the reason many people are jumping on widgets is because it allows for a regular non technical user to easily modify the sidebar of their site, and do so in a way that is independent of the theme they use. Now they can rearrange the items on their sidebar, or add items, all without touching any php code. Isn’t this an asset to someone like you who designs WP templates?

    Please don’t take this as a counter argument to your concerns. I’d just like to understand better what you concerns are, and see if they can be easily resolved.


    wordpress now has a widgets plugin that does many things including let you list rss titles in the sidebar. not as a scrolling marquee, but as a list. read more and find the widgets plugin from here >

    I was thinking of doing something similar a different way. A way that’s easier for me to understand, but not necessarily shorter in code. I was thinking of pulling the content from the rss feed of the blog. In my case, I want to display the first four articles from 4 different categories. I might even do it with a custom sidebar, and use widgets to manage these story blocks. I might modify the exist rss widget to display the story body along with the title etc.

    If you followed my train of thought there, does it seem like something you’d be interested in doing? If so, when I get around to coding this, I’ll post details here. (not sure when I’ll get to it though).

    What I’ll likely do is:

    • create a new sidebar.php page and use that as my multiple story space
    • duplicate and modify the rss widget to show full stories
    • create and manage the widgets for the second sidebar, and specify a category in rss feeds to the same site. and have it take only the first story.

    That’s the extremely short version of what I’ll do. It should be easy to have the widget pick a specific story, instead of the first one from a category, but I’ve never tried that, so I’m not sure how it would work.

    Actually, you don’t need feedburner to do sort of the same thing. So if you’re antifeedburner, you could manually build the custom rss feed right into your theme (easier to do now with widgets). It’s a matter of your preference, and if you want what feedburner offers.

    The url for a feed for only one category would be like this ‘wordpress/?feed=rss2&category=Uncategorized’. Substitute your category of course.

    Off the top of my head, I would do a couple of things.

    One, remove all the rss links from your theme.

    Two, set a special category for your podcast mp3’s that you want to show up.

    Three, go to, and set up an rss feed *for the one category only*.

    Four, put the link to your new feedburner rss feed in your theme, and tell people this is the way to get your podcasts.

    For an example of what this would look like, visit (was down when I check, hopefully back when you read this). He has a feedburner rss feed just for his ‘Thing a Week’ category.

    If you’re not sure about a specific step, just ask.

    You can move the whole thing over. In the admin, change the location first (in Options > General, look for the two URI’s). Then just move the whole thing (in linux, “mv WP columnists”)

    If you want both WP and columnists, you should make a rewrite rule in your .htaccess. I don’t have time to look up the syntax at the moment, but google will help you do that. Basically, you can have all requests to rewritten to

    Well, ok. Don’t reveal it’s wordpress then.

    After thinking about it, it’s probably easiest if you you could completely unbrand wp by modifying the various pages so they look different, and have no wp markings. At least unbrand the login page. After login, I think there might be a plugin to send the user back to the main blog instead of the admin area. It might even be user level dependent. Look for that. (just a vague memory of mine. hope it’s not a dream!)

    I understand why you want this, and it’s not a bad idea to have this as an option, either through a plugin, or to build it right into wordpress.

    More info is needed. Are you using any plugins? Could you list them? Did your ISP give you any details you can pass on?

    wp 2 has some cache stuff going on now right? Perhaps that’s where it’s going funny. pure speculation. I’ll have to play with it some.

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