Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to add html in wp_list_pages();I actually consider that the better way to do it anyway! ?? Glad you’ve got a solution. Sorry I wasn’t more help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to add html in wp_list_pages();well, I guess it’s having a problem interpreting between the ‘ in a function. I don’t typically do it that way, so perhaps this is expected behaviour.
as a matter of coding style mainly, I generally build long strings outside of the function anyway. I often develop habits like this and forget the reason later on. perhaps this is why! so I’ll show how I would code this, and perhaps it will solve your problem.
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>'); ?>
$tmpthing = 'title_li=<h2>Pages <img src="" alt="Icon" /></h2>';
?>let me/us know how that works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to add html in wp_list_pages();are you trying to escape the ” with a \? no need inside a single quote ‘.
You have it working with IM status, recent posts and Archives. Use that code as your example.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Removing meta and archivesAlso, if your theme is widget ready, install the widgets plug in, which gives you a drag and drop interface in the admin for custom building your sidebar.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to add html in wp_list_pages();it won’t validate with quotes?
I tend to put the whole uri in there, starting with http. And I also notice your main blog is located in a /dev, which you haven’t included in your src path. Is this example for your blog listed in your profile? The quotes look fine.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 15 Minute Reminder??That’s not part of wordpress itself. Perhaps a plugin? What makes you think it’s coming from wordpress?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Server went down, but I got all my files.The files you have are what you need to get your wordpress to look and operate the way you expect. That’s half the battle to restoring your blog. That’s the good news.
Unfortunately, you need the contents of the mysql database, which is not contained in the files themselves. Do you have a backup of the database?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: archive.php and category.php are not being usedis it using the ones in the default template? i believe that’s what happens if you don’t have those files.
perhaps it can’t read them for some reasons. check permission and ownership of the files.
um, without knowing/seeing more, that’s it for my guesses.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Problem When Viewing My Site w/Internet Explorerabout display problems in ie. fix the errors first, Then validate the css as well, And if it still doesn’t display right, install
there is a forum plugin called xdforum. it’s basic, but uses the wp users and is well integrated.
oxfire, unobscured email addresses are discouraged here. it’s the best way to get spam. if a mod notices, they’ll probably obscure it by changing ‘@’ to ‘(a]’ or something.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: e107 and wordpress intrigrationI can’t help but wonder what you mean when you say you want to integrate them. I recommend you run each in it’s own directory and create a custom links between them or something.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: 2.0.4….yay or nay?beats me. I haven’t had a single issue with 2.0.4. I’ve only upgraded about a half dozen blogs to 2.0.4. Perhaps there is a problem still waiting for me to find it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Firefox/IE Differences in AppearanceFix these errors first >
Then this >
And if it still doesn’t look right, install this
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Editing HTML code directlythe easiest way to rearrange items in the sidebar is to install the widgets plugin. that’s it’s purpose.
if you prefer to edit the sidebar.php that is in your theme, you can make changes on your own computer using notepad, and then probably use one of scp, sftp, or ftp to upload the file to your web account, replacing the existing one.
Can you do one of those?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I create complete separate pages or directories?it will interfere if you use permalinks. stay away from those.
also, if you upgrade the blog, there is a possibility some of your other files could be overwritten. what it doesn’t touch today, it may in the future after an upgrade. anything within it’s dir should not be considered safe, unless it’s within wp-content.
i still recommend you put wordpress in it’s own dir, and then use rewrites to have wordpress come up like it’s in the root.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: No MySQL?you really can’t change hosts?
are you in a position to somehow run your own webserver? perhaps can work for you. if I knew why you couldn’t change hosts, perhaps I’d have a more suitable suggestion.