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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Custom Plugin Refuses to Play Nice (I am going crazy!)I was about to write this plugin. It’s been a pet peeve of mine for a long time that the tinymce editors does non xhtml aligns. I thought, why not do a quick search of the forum to see if someone else has already done this? And there this thread is. ??
So, thanks, you saved me a bit of work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Display whole first post and the rest are excerptedHere it is nine months later, and a new need was born. (get the pun?) I looked for quite a while before I found this helpful thread on how to avoid the_content and it’s filering out anything past the more comment. Mucho handy!
In case anyone cares, I’m actually using the more comment to display a partial post in the sidebar, but I want the full post in the actual category display. Which post displays in the sidebar is controlled partially outside the wordpress system by a program schedule database for an online radio program. In short, the schedule database has a url for the show info, which is a wordpress post. I have a function in wordpress that reads the show database, uses the url there that is the show currently playing, parses out the nedessary data to get the post ID, and then queries to display that show in the sidebar. I only want everything up to the more comment, including any images, in the sidebar. In the show category, I want the full post. The above code snippet was what I was looking for. Thanks!
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Instable <br/> !instead of using br’s, do it the more modern way, and add a margin to the paragraph tag (or whatever tag is appropriate).
something like:
<p style="margin-top: 2em;">Whatever paragraph text.</p>
Even better would be to put a proper rule in your css file, and add a class to the tags you wish to have the extra space.
something like:
<p class="prettier">Whatever paragraph text.</p>
and in your css file:
p.prettier { margin-top: 2em; }
Well, I hope you get the idea. If you can do it through CSS, you can easily change it, and everything will automatically be the new way, rather than going back and changing each one manually. Ken what I mean Jock? ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Category Order plug-in anomaly!hmm, I destroyed mine, as I fixed what was wrong with xhtml in 1.9.6. you could post your email in an obscured form (so spambots can’t read it), and I can email it to you if I can find it somewhere on my server. Or perhaps you could email the author and ask for an older version to test.
have you tried a different theme?
also, if you post an example url, we can look at the html for clues as to what is going on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Role Manager mystery… help oh help…edit posts means edit their own posts. there is a separate capability for editing others posts. unless you specifically want to let people post, and never let them edit their post (which I think isn’t very fair!), it pretty much will work the way you need. Just enable edit posts as well.
btw, I believe these are core capabilities to wordpress, and although the role manager plugin let’s you edit the roles, it didn’t create these capabilities. it’s really a shortcoming of wordpress if you don’t think it works like it should. I’m personally good with it the way it is.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Category Order plug-in anomaly!first of all, it’s just other users providing support here. you know, volunteers. this isn’t paid support. can’t really *expect* an answer, you can really only hope for one.
that said, I suspect no one else has seen this issue, which might be why no one has responded. I recommend you try a previous version.
and now I’ll pass on my own observation. using 1.9.6, I’m finding that xhtml won’t validate. A whole bunch of div tags are being added within the ul li structure, messing it up as far as xhtml validation goes. I reverted to 1.9.4, and it works correctly.
I’m not sure how to fill out a bug report for this, so if someonec can advise me, I would appreciate it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to upload everything to a local server?well, upload is a bit of a funny term to use, since you are installing it on a local machine. What is the root html directory of your apache installation? That’s where you folder of wordpress files.
Or maybe it’s not a local machine. I’m not clear on that from what you’ve said.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Alternative to password-protection for light security?instead of sending them elsewhere, just output the invite on the same page as well.
i personally recommend using a switch instead, just because it reads better, and put the page output/processing in a function. that’s mostly just a personal coding style preference of mine, for readability.
As far as sending people off to google or whatever, just use an html meta refresh. return a page something like this:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">
<!-- just in case folks don't autoredirect -->
<p><a href="">continue</a></p>
</html>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Alternative to password-protection for light security?all you need do is put a php if in your theme’s index.php.
you’re testing for the cookie. if you got it, return the everything already in the index.php
if no cookie, return the invitation page.
no redirects needed.
um, it occurs to me you are thinking in terms of separate pages. although it may have different content, it’s probably easiest to generate each different page of content from the same place, your index.php in your theme. this will be upgrade proof should you update wordpress at any point.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Little RSS buttons missing from sidebar ..and nothing elsethat’s different from the snippet you pasted before. it doesn’t even show a feed image.
i’m looking at yy_menu and then something called freshy menu. it looks like yy menu is the one being used. I don’t know what that is though. I would suggest the issue is within that function. It’s also possible it’s within this Freshy Menu thing as well. Do you have an admin page in wordpress for that?
the typical category navigation in a sidebar looks more like this:
<?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0&eed_image=/wp-content/themes/defaultnew/images/rss/feed-icon-10x10.gif'); ?>
note that is uses the wp_list_cats function.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Little RSS buttons missing from sidebar ..and nothing elseit doesn’t remove it? um, how are you deleting it? gone is gone.
i doubt it’s a cache issue. if you make posts, you see those change right?
I think you may need to let someone into your web account to look around and figure it out. The issue of trust comes up when considering that, and that’s not something I can advise you on.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Little RSS buttons missing from sidebar ..and nothing elsejust not enough information. Have you tried everything mentioned in the thread? Maybe go over it again to be sure.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Little RSS buttons missing from sidebar ..and nothing elsewidgets are a plugin. they let you control the sidebar through the admin interface, instead of editing sidebar.php. I guess you don’t have them, which eliminates them as a source of the problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Little RSS buttons missing from sidebar ..and nothing elseare you using widgets?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Little RSS buttons missing from sidebar ..and nothing elsegood catch moshu, i didn’t look for that, assuming only a theme changed, and not the blog location.
however, you’re code is using a wordpress function to generate the bulk of the url. it shouldn’t be wrong. this is the part here that does that >
look in your header and use the same function it does for the getting the url. one place it’s used is to link to your style sheet.
this is also why I suggested you check the settings under Options > General to make sure the right info is in there.