Hi there,
I have just installed a new wordpress site on OVH.
I just installed the latest version of these modules (no other modules enabled)
– WordPress 3.5
– WP e-Commerce
– WPCB 2.4.8
The configuration seems OK (no warning in any module page etc…).
But I got errors when I want to pay with CB Atos and Cheques (which are the only paiements I enabled)
“Error calling the atos api : exec request not found /home/domaine/cgi-bin/demo/payment/bin/request”
Of course, request & response are 755, but error still happening.
– Chèques
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /home/domaine/www/wp-content/plugins/wpcb/index.php on line 536
I really don’t know why. Everything looks to be OK in configuration. I Read carrefully every documentation before installation etc…
If you have any idea on how to fix it?