Manish Kumar Agarwal
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Display only one category for my galleryHi Mandip,
just try to write
query_posts(cat=cat-id); Replace the cat-id by your category id
Before the if(have_post()): or the loop code.Thanks
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: how to check post category and display latest post?hi wppit,
Sorry, I have tried to get but did not clear your requirement. ??
Can you please explain more your problem.
My guess: You want to show latest post of each category- right?
If yes then,
Answer: WP provides function to get all the categories in a array, then in foreach loop for categories you can get the post list by using function query_posts using parameters category id, order by post publish date and showpost parameter value to 1.
Then print the data as you required ??
sorry but the site is off through out the day for me.
@ranz I went to your site but it is offline
Same reason for this link there must some js written which is not reloading that is why not working.
I have checked that in href javascript:void(0) present that is mean some click event is present for this a tag and this needs to be put in js live function ??
#1 Read more working for me
In Menu container class: only 1 class you have to provide.
Why two different result for ‘Forgot Password’ link:
‘Forgot Password’ functionality handling by “login-with-ajax.js” file code and this file is not reloading at the time of ajax as this file is present in head tag, on the other hand your log-in widget is reloading at the time of ajax so this “login-with-ajax.js” file’s code not working from the second time.Possible solution: go to “login-with-ajax.js” and bind all the events in live function then it will give you the same result.
Dead links: #comment links are yet not handling by AWS.
@kidlok in “Ajax container ID” text box you have to provide only one id which is the id of the content div and “Menu container class” you have to provide the class of the div in which your menu’ ul li present.
Also in your site there are several js errors present please check those may be because of them things are not working
Ohh yes I have added reload image code.@ranz can you contact me in skype: mfsi_manish
In the mean you can solve your problem by modify the file ajaxify.js at lines 20, 21, 22 by below lines:
$menu = $(‘.menu’),
activeClass = ‘current_page_item current-menu-item’,
activeSelector = ‘.current_page_item,.current-menu-item’,@ranz if you are talking about top navs then these are working fine for me.
Sorry I dont have aws 1.1 copy.
Yes checked seems perfect.
@kidlok I have checked your site you have putted several code to make links no-ajaxy.
Same codes you have to write just after line 139, thus no-ajaxy will work even after ajax page load ??
I am working on these problems and integrate in my next version and will release tomorrow.
@ranz I have checked it seems that there aws plug-in is not installed.
@kidlok I have checked that in right sidebar top links are for login with ajax for this you have to write below code in ajaxify.js file
jQuery(‘#LoginWithAjax a’).each(function(){
Then “older” link put replace script at line 65 i.e.,
$this.find(‘a:internal:not(.no-ajaxy)’).live(‘click’, function(event){
$this.find(‘a:internal:not(.no-ajaxy,[href^=”#”])’).live(‘click’, function(event){Suggestion:
If you dont want that your anchor tag handled by ajaxify wordpress site(aws) plug-in then provide a class no-ajaxy to this anchor tag then problem will solve ??